
1.0.2 • Public • Published


This plugin can be used to generate a Linked Data description in JSON-LD format of a function implementation by writing JSDoc comments. It extends jsdoc-plugin-rdf.


Use the following command in the root directory where JSDoc is installed

npm install jsdoc-plugin-rdf-function-description

Add plugin to JSDoc

In JSDoc's configuration file add the path to the plugin

"plugins": [


A JSON-LD description will be generated for each function with a @LinkedDataDescription tag. Example js files with their JSON-LD results can be found in the examples directory.

RDF subjects are created for function, parameter (@param), callback parameter (@cbParam), return (@return) and callback return (@cbReturn) descriptions. Each subject can be described further with subsequent tags. A @param with type function or fno:Function will be the subject for @cbParam and @cbReturn tags following it. An example for callback descriptions can be found under the examples directory as well.

The return tags can be described just like a parameter value with property parts.

Property tags must be added after the subject they are meant to describe.

plugin configuration

The default settings are in config.js. They can be replaced with a rdf.config.json in the same directory as index.js.


"tagSettings": {
    "propertyTags": ["unit", "nullable"],

The tags defined with this option will become a property of the preceding subject (function, parameter or return). A property tag without a value i.e. @nullable will result in nullable: true. You can either add the tag titles with a vocabulary prefix (fno:nullable) or define them as above and use the vocabMap to add the prefix in the converter (described in the converter section).

default vocabulary

The vocabulary that will always be added to the context is given in encoderSettings. You can change the vocab property.

"encoderSettings": {
    "vocab": {
     schema: 'https://schema.org/',
      fno: 'https://w3id.org/function/ontology#',
      xsd: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#',
      'dbpedia-owl': 'http://dbpedia.org/ontology/',
      fnom: 'https://w3id.org/function/vocabulary/mapping#',
      fnoi: 'https://w3id.org/function/vocabulary/implementation',
      terms: 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/',
      mdn: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/',


vocabMap adds a vocabulary prefix to JSDoc's default keys like params and description. You can add your own tag titles (defined in tagSettings) here.

"converterSettings": {
    "vocabMap": {
        "params": "fno:expects",
        "returns": "fno:returns",
        "description": "schema:description"
    "flattenedFormat": true,
    "predNoNestedFormat": []

The default is JSON-LD in flattened document form. Set the option to false for the nodes to be nested or combine the two options by giving predicate names to predNoNestedFormat that should remain flattened in an otherwise nested format.


A JSON-LD description will be printed for every file that is parsed by JSDoc. You can print all descriptions to one file by changing printPerDesc to false. The default output path is a plugin-rdf-function-description directory in JSDoc's destination. Change it by setting the destination directory (relative to JSDoc's destination).

"general": {
    "printPerDesc": true,
    "destination": "./plugin-rdf-function-description"

Replace the converter

To change or replace the converter a converter module has to export a convert function that will get an intermediate RDF format of the form

    subject: {
        predicate: object

as parameter.




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