Plugin for Remarkable Markdown parser that enables basic JSDoc.
npm install --save-dev jsdoc-remarkable
import jsdoc from 'jsdoc-remarkable';
import Remarkable from 'remarkable';
const markdown = new Remarkable();
This plugin is not meant to be a comprehensive implementation of JSDoc. The goal is to provide a small subset of functionality to facilitate beautifully rendered documentation. Majority of other things could be achieved with Markdown.
The following constructs are supported:
@param {(Type1|Type2)} paramName - Param description.
@method methodName
@param {(Type1|Type2)} paramName - Param description.
This is method description.
@property {(Type1|Type2)} propName - Property description.
@event eventName
@param {(Type1|Type2)} paramName - Param description.
This is event description.
@action actionName
@param {(Type1|Type2)} paramName - Param description.
This is action description.