1. create your package.json (run `npm init` in terminal);
2. install package (npm i jsmp-infra-yaremenko);
How to use
1. Import methods from 'jsmp-infra-yaremenko/lib/index';
Package provide 2 methods:
1. `modifyString()` method which modify recieve string transform option for it.
For example modifyString('my string', 'upper') will return 'MY STRING';
The second should to be equal 'upper' or 'lower' if this parameter doesn't transfered the string will be
2. `sortArray()` method which accept two arguments array and value, and return new sorted array. This method
works only with numbers. Example invoke sortArray([10, 1, 3, 1020], 18) return [1, 3, 10, 18, 1020];