Parse your json safely and stop writing try {} catch {}
var JSONParse = require('json-parse-safe')
JSONParse(text[, reviver])
- the string to parse as JSON
reviver (optional)
- if a function, prescribes how the value originally produced by parsing is transformed, before being returned, more info about this param in here
{value, error}
object - value: should be the object corresponding to the given JSON text or undefined in case of error
- error: should be an Error object in case of error or undefined in case of success
var JSONParse = ;var str = '{"cat": "Peter", "age": 1, "colors": ["white", "cyan", "black"]}';var obj = ;// obj.value should becat: 'Peter'age: 1colors: 'white' 'cyan' 'black'
getting the exception
var bad = '{"cat": "Peter" "age": 1}';var obj = ;// obj.value should be 'undefined'// obj.error should be an Errorconsole;console;console;
This project has been set up with a precommit that forces you to follow a code style, no jshint issues and 100% of code coverage before commit
to run test
npm test
to run jshint
npm run jshint
to run code style
npm run code-style
to run check code coverage
npm run check-coverage
to open the code coverage report
npm run open-coverage