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1.1.0 • Public • Published

Schema Select

This adds support for json-schema-library to the schema-select library, letting you generate schema options with the more fully fleshed validation and coercion of json-schema-library.



You can install this library through npm like so:

$ npm install --save schema-select

Options Factory

This library provides an DraftedSchemaOptionsFactory class. Said class extends the SchemaOptionsFactory from schema-select with a DraftedSchemaEnforcerFactory as the enforcer factory, letting you generate labeled schema enforcers as normal. Note that creating either drafter class will be looking for a json-schema-libary Draft object as it's sole constructor parameter. Note that the validation from those enforcers is a JSONError array.

To help read said error array we've provided an ErrorListValidationParser that treats empty lists as valid.

Options Parser

As of version 1.1.0, this library also provides a DraftedSchemaOptionsParser to find the subschema that best fits the provided value.

It does this through the JSONErrorListValidationParser. That starts with a validity rating of 1 and defaults to subtracting 1 per error. Said parser lets you set code priorities to adjust that reduction, with the default priority map giving type errors a weight of 10. The reductions are divided by the path length, so a having a property with the wrong type would have a weight of 5 (10 for type, divided by 2 for being a property).

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npm i json-schema-library-select

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  • david-cary