Virtual window component for React
1.1 Basic explanation
Components for realizing virtual windows with React Just enclose with JSWindow and it will become a virtual window
1.2 Currently available features
- MoveWindow
- Resize
- Maximize
- Minimize
- Parent-child window
- SplitScreen
- ListView
- TreeView
2.Screen shot
The website where the document is written
https://ttis.croud.jp/?uuid=b292d429-dbad-49b5-8fed-6d268f4feaf0 -
Source code
https://github.com/JavaScript-WindowFramework/jswf-react -
Sample code
https://github.com/JavaScript-WindowFramework/jwf-react-sample01 -
Operation sample
4.Sample source
import * as React from "react";import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";import { JSWindow, WindowState, WindowStyle, WindowInfo, SplitView, SplitType} from "@jswf/react"; function App() { const frame = React.createRef<JSWindow>(); const [info, setInfo] = React.useState<WindowInfo | null>(null); const [type, setType] = React.useState<SplitType>("ew"); return ( <> {/* -------- Simply display the window ------------*/} <JSWindow ref={frame} title="Window1" x={50} y={100}> The content you put in this will be displayed on the virtual window </JSWindow> {/* -------- Window inside window ------------*/} <JSWindow title="Window2" width={600} height={500} windowStyle={~WindowStyle.CLOSE}> If the window position is not set, it will be displayed in the center. <br /> You can set the function used in windowStyle <JSWindow title="ChildWindow" overlapped={false} width={200} height={200}> If overlapped is set to false, it will be displayed in the client area, if it is set to true, only the overlap will be adjusted. </JSWindow> </JSWindow> {/* -------- Display window information ------------*/} <JSWindow title="Update test" y={50} onUpdate={p => setInfo(p)}> <pre> {info && JSON.stringify(info,["realX", "realY", "realWidth", "realHeight"]," ")} </pre> </JSWindow> {/* -------- Installation of split bar ------------*/} <JSWindow width={500} height={400} title="Split bar" clientStyle={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}> {/* Button installation */} <div style={{ borderBottom: "solid 2px" }}> <button onClick={() => setType("we")}>WE</button> <button onClick={() => setType("ew")}>EW</button> <button onClick={() => setType("ns")}>NS</button> <button onClick={() => setType("sn")}>SN</button> </div> {/* Split bar (default style extends to the maximum of the parent client area) */} <SplitView type={type} style={{ position: "relative", flex: 1 }}> <div style={{ height: "100%" }}>Active side</div> <div style={{ height: "100%", backgroundColor: "rgb(230,255,255)" }}> Static side </div> </SplitView> </JSWindow> {/* -------- Non-window normal button ------------*/} <button onClick={() => { frame.current!.foreground(); frame.current!.setWindowState(WindowState.NORMAL); }}> Revive Window1 </button> </> );} ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement);
5.Component list
Name | Usage |
JSWindow | Virtual Window Components |
SplitView | Component for region split |
ListView | Similar to Windows ListView |
TreeView | TreeView components |
TreeItem | TreeView Item components |