ContextMenu plugin originally designed for JSYG framework, but it works as well as a jQuery plugin. Fits well with Bootstrap.
npm install jsyg-contextmenu
You can also install it from bower.
//basic Menu$('html').contextMenu([{ text:"element 1", icon:"fa fa-modx", action:function() { alert("click on element 1"); }},{ text:"element 2", icon:"fa fa-bug", action:function() { alert("click on element 2"); }}]); //advanced Menu$('html').contextMenu([{ text:"simple element", icon:"fa fa-modx", action:function() { alert("click on simple element"); }},{ text:"element with keyboard shortcut", shortcut:"k", icon:"fa fa-bar-chart", action : function(e) { alert(e.type+' on element'); }},{ text:"element with global keyboard shortcut", icon:"fa fa-bug", action : function(e) { alert(e.type+' on element'); }, globalShortcut:"ctrl+d"},{ text:"element with sub-menu", icon:"fa fa-book", submenu:[{ text:"disabled element", action : function() { alert("click on sub-element 1"); }, disabled:true, },{ text:"sub-element 2", submenu:[{ text:"sub-sub-element 1", checkbox:true, action:function(e,val) { alert("checkbox is "+ (val ? '' : 'un') + "checked") } },{ text:"sub-sub-element 2", action : function() { alert("click on sub-sub-element 2"); } }] }]},{ text:"element with submenu and shortcut", shortcut:"s", submenu:[{ text:"checkbox element", checkbox:true, action:function(e,val) { alert("checkbox is "+ (val ? '' : 'un') + "checked") } },{ text:"sub-sub-element 2", action : function() { alert("click on sub-sub-element 2"); } }] },{ text:"checkbox element", checkbox:true, checked:true, action:function(e,val) { alert("checkbox is "+ (val ? '' : 'un') + "checked") }}]);