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Just-API is a declarative, specification based test framework for REST, GraphQL APIs. Users can test APIs without writing code, but they can also tap into code when they want to. It reads API test specification from YAML files and runs them in serial/parallel mode. Test reports can be generated in several formats including HTML and JSON.

In simple terms, users build a test suite by providing a set of request and response validation specification in a YAML file. Each suite can have one or more specs. Just-API builds the request, sends it to server and validates response as per the specification. One can choose to validate any or all of following

  • Status code
  • Headers
  • Cookies
  • Response JSON body
  • Response JSON schema

or Provide a custom Javascript function to validate the response

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  • Runs test suites in parallel/serial mode
  • Supports all widely used HTTP methods
  • Supports x-www-form-urlencoded requests, Multipart requests, File uploads
  • Built-in Response Validation Constructs(Headers, Cookies, Status code, JSON body, JSON schema)
  • Custom Response validator functions
  • Supports running custom inline or module javascript sync/async functions
  • Supports Hooks (Before All, After All, Before Each, After Each, Before Test, After Test)
  • Custom suite configuration
  • Chained Request flows
  • Define/override Request path, query params, path params, headers, body at runtime
  • Suite and test context for reuse
  • Supports importing specs from one or more test suites
  • Intrasuite and Intersuite spec dependencies
  • Reusing test specification
  • Retry failed tests
  • Looping: Generate 'n' number of tests with a list
  • Built-in HTML, JSON reporters
  • Can generate reports in multiple formats for the same run
  • Logging HTTP request/response data for failed tests
  • Proper error reporting
  • Can run tests matching with a given pattern/string
  • Skipping tests with specification
  • Disable or Enable redirections
  • Reports test duration
  • Allows user to plug-in custom reporters

See all features

Getting Started

To run just-api, you will need Node.js v7.10.0 or newer.


$ npm install just-api

Following is a simple example showing usage of Just-API.

$ mkdir specs
$ vim specs/starwars_service.yml

Write following suite in your editor

  name: Star Wars suite
  scheme: https
  host: swapi.co
  base_path: /api
  name: get Luke Skywalker info
      path: /people/1/
      method: get
      status_code: 200
        name: content-type
          value: !!js/regexp application/json     
        path: $.name
          value: Luke Skywalker

Back in the terminal

$ ./node_modules/.bin/just-api
   ✓ get Luke Skywalker info (1216ms)
  Done: specs/starwars_service.yml (Passed)
0 skipped, 0 failed, 1 passed (1 tests)
0 skipped, 0 failed, 1 passed (1 suites)
Duration: 1.3s

Testing GraphQL APIs

Following example tests a GraphQL API that returns location for a given ip address.

Create a YAML suite and run just-api.

  name: GraphQL Starwars service
  host: swapi.graph.cool
  scheme: https
  name: Get Details of a character
      method: post
        name: content-type
          value: application/json
          type: json
            query: >
                    Person(name: "Luke Skywalker") {
            variables: null
            operationName: null
      status_code: 200
        path: $.data.Person.name
          value: "Luke Skywalker"

A chained request flow with hook and custom validation

When you need to test complex chained API flows, run dependencies in hooks to fetch pre-requisite data and pass it to actual test.

Following example shows how to run dependencies using a hook, get data and validating response with a custom validator function.

  name: Starwars suite
  scheme: https
  host: swapi.co
  base_path: /api
  name: get R2-D2 info
      path: /people/3/
      method: get
      status_code: 200
        path: $.name
          value: R2-D2
  name: search R2-D2 info
      run_type: inline
        function: !js/asyncFunction >
          async function() {
            var response = await this.runSpec('get R2-D2 info');
            var jsonData = JSON.parse(response.body);
            this.test.query_params = { name:  jsonData.name };
      path: /people
      method: get
      status_code: 200
        run_type: inline
          function: !!js/function >
            function() {
              var jsonData = JSON.parse(this.response.body);
              var r2d2 = jsonData.results.find(result => result.name === 'R2-D2');
              if (!r2d2) 
                throw new Error('R2-D2 not returned in search results');

Note: You can also place custom JS functions in a module and specify the function name, module path in YAML to import.

More advanced stuff can be done with Just-API. Documentation says it all. Take a look at Just-API Website for detailed documentation.

If you are looking to use Docker to run Just-API, you might want to checkout Just-API docker boilerplate here


Kiran kiran.6d.hex@gmail.com




## Donation If this project helps you in anyway, Please consider making a donation

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  • kiran.m