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A lightweight JavaScript SDK to connect to a JustAPIs gateway in Node or the browser.



  • Browser & Node.js support
  • HTTP request/response connection
  • HTTP Public Key Pinning
  • Per-request caching
  • Pausable/Resumable asynchronous request queue

Install via NPM

$ npm install justapis-javascript-sdk


The SDK is built with browserify. If you would like to add a single bundled file you can find it in the dist folder.

<script src="justapis-javascript-sdk/dist/justapis-javascript-sdk.min.js"></script>

Else, if you are using browserify in your project you probably prefer to use require to load the dependency.

var APGateway = require("justapis-javascript-sdk");

Creating a Gateway

The main object in the SDK is APGateway, you can think of it as an http client. To make a request to an endpoint you just need to do

var APGateway = require("justapis-javascript-sdk");
var options = {
    url: "http://my.gateway.domain.org/users",
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
        "Foo": "Bar"
    data: {
        "name": "john"
// If you prefer objects you can do:
var gw = new APGateway(options);
// Or you can create it like this
var gw = APGateway.create(options);
// Now executing a request is as easy as
gw.execute().then(function(response) {
    // Response came back ok...
}).catch(function(error) {
    // An error occured :(
// Also you can reuse your gateway as many times as you like.
// It will send the same request as before...
// Or you can change only the pieces that you want and keep using it...

Copying a Gateway

A nice feature of gateways is that they can be copied. By copying a gateway you get all the configuration from the original, so you don't have to repeat yourself.

var gw = new APGateway({
    headers: {
        "Foo": "Bar"
// just call the copy method
var gwCopy = gw.copy();
    "Foo": "Hello World!"
gw.headers(); // will return { "Foo": "Bar" }
gwCopy.headers(); // will return { "Foo": "Hello World!" }

Caching Requests

Note: The Caching service behaves differently in Node than in the browser

APGateway allow for request caching per request. Only responses to GET requests are cached, and this is enabled by default.

var gateway = new APGateway();
gateway.cache(false);   // Disable caching from now on...
gateway.execute();      // Send request without caching the response
gateway.cache(true)     // Enable caching from now on...

When using it in Node, responses will be cached in-memory only by default. In the browser however, cached responses will be saved to localStorage if available.

Since localStorage is persistent, you might want to flush it at some point.

// This will only remove localStorage entries set by
// APGateway's request cache

Cached responses have a TTL (time to live) of 1 week (604800000 milliseconds). Any response older than that will be ignored and removed from the cache. If you would like to use a different TTL you can set it like so:

// ttl is in milliseconds
APGateway.RequestCache.ttl = 60000; // set ttl to 1 minute

Custom Persistence

In some cases you may want to persist the cache in a different way. In the case of Node, for example, you may want to persist cached instances through a database or external service. In order to do that you can replace APGateway.RequestCache.storage with your own implementation. Here is a small example of how to do just that:

// The storage object MUST have the following methods
APGateway.RequestCache.storage = {
     * Set key/value pair in storage
     * key -> string key identifying the value
     * record -> an Object containing two attributes:
     *      'value' -> the Object being cached
     *      'timestamp' -> already serialized Date string
     * returns -> a Promise to be resolved when set is finished (no resolve value needed)
    set: function(key, record) {...},
     * Get a value from storage
     * key -> string identifying the value to retrieve
     * returns -> a Promise that resolves with the retrieved Object
    get: function(key) {...},
     * Get all values in the storage. A prefix is passed that identifies the entire cache.
     * This prefix is prepended to every key and used to differentiate one cache instance from another.
     * It is only passed as a convenience, it is not required to use it internally.
     * prefix -> string prefix identifying the cache
     * returns -> a Promise that resolves with an Array of the retrieved objects (or empty Array if none)  
    getAll: function(prefix) {...},
     * Removes a single record from the storage
     * key -> string key identifying the record
     * returns -> a Promise that resolves when the record has been removed (no resolve value needed)
    remove: function(key) {...},
     * Removes all records from storage
     * prefix -> Same as with 'getAll()'
     * returns -> a Promise that resolves when flushing is complete (no resolve value needed)
    flush: function(prefix) {...}

You may have noticed that all the required methods to override return a Promise, this is meant as a convenience so you can easily work with async operations when persisting records. Any Promises/A+ compliant implementation can be used (or even native Promises if available), but in case you do not want to add a promise package just for this, APGateway uses an implementation internally that you can find in APGateway.Promise.

Async request queue

APGateway instances use an async queue internally to send requests. This queue is shared across instances and can be paused/resumed to avoid sending further requests at any time. If your application goes offline you can pause the queue, wait for reconnection, and resume it without loosing requests.

var gateway = new APGateway();
    .execute() // This adds the request to the queue
    .then(function(response) { /* Got response back */ })
    .catch(function(error) { /* Got an error */ });
// The queue will continue to build up until resumed

Whenever the queue is resumed it will start sending pending requests asynchronously. Because the queue can get pretty big while paused, the queue will throttle the flow of requests being sent to avoid flooding the server. The default throttle time is 300 milliseconds, but you can adjust this by doing APGateway.Queue.throttleBy(amountInMilliseconds).

Persisting the Queue

In some cases you might want to save the state of the queue either to localStorage or a database. For that purpose there's an export method on the queue you can use.

Note: The queue must be paused before calling export, otherwise an Error will be thrown

// Pause the queue
// requests will be an Array of requests
var requests = APGateway.Queue.export();
// persists requests...

Now when get your persisted requests you can just resend them.

// Get the saved requests from your storage of choice
var gateway = new APGateway();
persistedRequests.forEach(function(requestData) {
   // First we need to recreate the APRequest object
   var request = Object.create(APGateway.APRequest, requestData);
    .then(function(res) {
        // Do something else
    .catch(function(error) {
        // There was an error

APGateway Instance Methods

Default Properties

url: {
    href: "http://localhost:5000",
    protocol: "http:",
    hostname: "localhost",
    port: "5000",
    pathname: "/",
    search: null,
    hash: null
method: "GET",
silentFail: true,
cache: true,
dataType: "json",
data: {},
headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
parsers: {
    json: JSONParser,
    form: FormDataParser,
    xml: XMLParser
transformations: {
    request: [ EncodeTransformation ],
    response: [ DecodeTransformation, CacheResponse ]


url( url )

Returns the current url or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • url: string
    • If url is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

method( method )

Returns the current http method or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • method: string
    • Accepted values GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    • If method is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

data( data )

Returns the current request data or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • data: object
    • If data is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

dataType( dataType )

Returns the current response data type or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • dataType: string
    • If dataType is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this. json and xml dataTypes are parsed automatically, any other dataType will be returned as a string.

contentType( contentType )

Returns the current content type or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • contentType: string
    • If contentType is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

headers( headers )

Returns the current headers or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • headers: object
    • The key-value pairs in headers will be appended to the current ones.
    • If headers is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

withCredentials( withCredentials )

Returns the current value of withCredentials or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

Enabling withCredentials will cause any cookies to be included in the request to the server. The server needs to be configured to enable credentials as well by adding Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true as a response header.

  • withCredentials: boolean
    • Default value: false
    • If withCredentials is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

silentFail( silent )

Returns the current value of silentFail or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

When a request is not successful APGateway will throw an error. Setting silentFail to true will cause the gateway to ignore those errors.

  • silent: boolean
    • Default value: true. If silent is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

cache( active )

Returns the current value of cache or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • active: boolean
    • Default value: true. If active is undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.


Returns a shallow copy of the APGateway instance.

requestTransformations( transformations )

Returns the current request transformations or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • transformations: [function]
    • Array of functions to transform the request configuration before it is sent to the server
            // transformations must ALWAYS return "request"
            // in order for the entire chain to work properly
            function(request) {...},
            function(request) {...}
    If undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

responseTransformations( transformations )

Returns the current response transformations or the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • transformations: [function]
    • Array of functions to transform the response object after it returns from the server
            // transformations must ALWAYS return "response"
            // in order for the entire chain to work properly
            function(response) {...},
            function(response) {...}
    If undefined the method will act as a getter, else it will set the value and return this.

addRequestTransformation( transformation )

Returns the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • transformation: function
    • Adds the transformation at the end of the request transformation chain

addResponseTransformation( transformation )

Returns the APGateway instance for quick chaining

  • transformation: function
    • Adds the transformation at the end of the response transformation chain

hpkp( options )

Sets up HTTP Public Key Pinning for the APGateway instance.

  • options: object
    • sha256s: [string] (required)
      • Array of two encoded public key information hashes. One is actually used, the other is kept as backup.
    • maxAge: number (required)
      • The time in seconds that the pinned key will be remembered for.
    • includeSubdomains: boolean (optional)
      • Applies the pinned key to subdomains also.
    • reportOnly: boolean (optional)
      • Specifies if pin validation failures should be reported to the given URL (if true reportUri must be present as well).
    • reportUri: string (optional)
      • URL to send pin validation failure reports to.


Returns a Promise

  • Executes a request with the current configuration

Framework Integration


The SDK will work with React.js out of the box since its plain JavaScript.


Integrating with Angular.js is not a problem, here is an example of how you would use it.

    .controller('MyModuleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
        // Declare a default message to show
        $scope.message = "Default message";
        // Create the gateway as usual...
        var gateway = new APGateway();
        .then(function(response) {
            // Keep in mind, when updating the $scope, to use $apply
            //   so angular is made aware of the change
            $scope.$apply(function() {
                $scope.message = response.data;


Like React or Angular, there is no restriction to use APGateway in an Ember application. If you're using Ember Data however you might want to integrate APGateway so you can load Models from it.

Ember Data

In order to integrate with Ember Data you will want to create an Adapter.

This example code shows the basic principle of how to integrate the two.

NOTE: For simplicity's sake the example only shows implementations of findRecord and createRecord but when extending DS.Adapter you must implement the other methods too.

// url of your endpoint
var URL = "http://localhost:5000/todos";
var gateway = new APGateway();
// This helper will make sure that the response of the gateway runs
// inside Ember's run loop.
function runRequestToGateway(gateway) {
    return Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        .then(function(response) {
            Ember.run(null, resolve, response.data);
        .catch(function(error) {
            Ember.run(null, reject, error);
// Register an ApplicationAdapter that uses APGateway internally...
Todos.ApplicationAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
    findRecord: function(store, type, id, snapshot) {
        .url(URL + "/" + id)
        return runRequestToGateway(gateway);
    createRecord: function(store, type, snapshot) {
        var data = this.serialize(snapshot, { includeId: true });
        return runRequestToGateway(gateway);
    updateRecord: function(store, type, snapshot) {...},
    deleteRecord: function(store, type, snapshot) {...},
    findAll: function(store, type, sinceToken, snapshotRecordArray) {...},
    query: function(store, type, query, recordArray) {...}


If you would like to develop in the SDK you can just download the repository and do

npm install

Once that finishes, just use grunt to start the watch process


Contribution Guidelines

This repository relies on semantic-release-cli for automated releases and commitizen and cz-conventional-changelog for standardized commit messages and automated changelogs.


All work should be committed to a new branch off develop, never to a mainline branch directly. When ready to commit changes, stage them as usual with:

	git add .

Committing changes is a little different. In order to ensure standardized commit messages across time and contributors, always use the npm script:

	npm run commit

and follow the instructions on screen.

Note: for an overview of commitizen and the conventional changelog tool, watch the video.

Pull Requests

When a branch is ready to merge, submit a pull request to develop via GitHub. Pull requests are automatically tested on Travis CI and may not be merged until all tests pass. At that time, a team member may safely merge the PR into develop.


Releases are made from the master branch automatically. To initiate a release, create a PR from develop to master. Since releasing is automated, the timing and extent of these PR's is at the discretion of team members.

Releasing is automated with semantic-release. An automatic release is tagged and published to npm upon a successful merge into the master branch only after all tests successfully pass. No human intervention is required to create releases other than merging a PR.




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  • jeffreybozek
  • rmorey-ap