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1.0.0 • Public • Published


JWT encoding/decoding using the WebCrypto API for Cloudflare Workers and Node.js.

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⚠️ Note

The WebCrypto API is currently supported in experimental form in Node v15 and greater.

Basic usage

// Encoding

import { encode } from "jwt-subtle";

const payload = {
  sub: "1234567890",
  name: "John Doe",
  admin: true,

const token = await encode(payload, "secret"); // "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL..."
// Decoding

import { decode } from "jwt-subtle";

const token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL...";

const payload = await decode(token, "secret"); // { sub: "1234567890", ... }


// Supported algorithms

type JWTAlgorithm =
  | "HS256" // Default
  | "HS384"
  | "HS512"
  | "RS256"
  | "RS384"
  | "RS512";
encode(payload: object, secret: string, alg?: JWTAlgorithm): Promise<string>
decode(token: string, secret: string, alg?: JWTAlgorithm): Promise<object>


The following two algorithms are supported:

  • HMAC
    • HS256, HS384, and HS512
    • Symmetric algorithm; i.e. utilizes the same secret for both encoding and decoding.
  • RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
    • RS256, RS384, and RS512
    • Assymetric algorithm; the private key must be used for encoding (in PKCS#8 format) and the public key for decoding.

More examples

Encoding/decoding with RSA

const privateKey = ... // Get private key from somewhere secure
const token = await encode(payload, privateKey, "RS256")
const publicKey = ... // Get public key
const payload = await decode(token, publicKey, "RS256")

Using nbf and/or exp claims

const payload = {
  id: "c9d22de2d450",
  nbf: Date.now() / 1000 + 86_400,      // Not valid until one day from now
  exp: Date.now() / 1000 + 86_400 * 7,  // Expires in seven days

const token = encode(payload, "secret")


// Attempting to decode the token before it becomes valid
try {
  await decode(token, "secret")
} catch {
  // Error: Token is not yet active.


// Attempting to decode the token after it expires
try {
  await decode(token, "secret")
} catch {
  // Error: Token has expired.

Decoding with a different algorithm

const token = encode(payload, "secret", "HS256");

try {
  await decode(token, "secret", "HS512");
} catch {
  // Error: Token header "alg" value [HS256] does not match
  // the expected algorithm [HS512].



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