The node.js framework for developers who deliver on time.
What is it?
Kale.js is a set of lightweight, opinionated generators for building highly-scalable koa-based node.js APIs with ease and speed.
Kale.js consists of 6 Generators:
- one to build an app,
- one to build a controller,
- one to build a model,
- one to build a set of views,
- one to build a migration, and
- one to build scaffolding.
Overall, Kale.js builds apps that are fast, easy-to-read, and follow industry best practices.
A Kale.js application:
- Built on koa and makes heavy use of ES6 Promises.
- Uses bookshelf.js for an ORM.
- Backed by Postgresql by default.
- Includes basic single-page-app using AngularJS, installed with bower.
- Includes an asset pipeline using Broccoli with development file watching and reload.
- Front-end javascript uses browserify for node-style
statements. - Sets up Gulp with basic linting with jshint and code-style checking with jscs
- Front-end stylesheets are compiled with SASS/SCSS.
- Generates models with UUIDs as the primary key by default.
- Is a stateless, secure JSON API.
- Does not include cookies or cookie-based sessions by default (so no need for CSRF protection)
- Security headers provided by helmet, and CORS.
- Includes environment-specific config according to the 12-factor app methodology.
- Includes a Procfile for easy deployment to heroku.
npm install -g kalejs
To start a new project, simply run kale new <project_name>
, for example:
kale new example-app
This will build a new kale.js app in ./example-app
From the root of the new project, run ./bin/setup
, then npm start
and you'll have a server running.
The app structure will look like:
assets/ <-- front-end app (Angular)
bower_components <-- bower-based installed assets
images/ <-- static images
javascripts/ <-- static js files
stylesheets/ <-- static css (less) files
views/ <-- static html page
controllers/ <-- API controllers
middleware/ <-- API middleware
models/ <-- Bookshelf models
index.js <-- app entry point
routes.js <-- API routes
bin/ <-- binary files
config/ <-- app config
environments/ <-- environment specific config
db/ <-- database config, initialization
migrations/ <-- database migrations
public/ <-- static/public files live here
assets/ <-- asset pipeline compiles app/assets to this directory
test/ <-- tests
kale.js comes equipped with a several generators to speed up development:
Model Generator
kale generate model Thing
This will create a new Thing
model (referencing a things
table) named thing.js
in the app/models
This will also create an empty migration named <timestamp>_create_things.js
in the db/migrations
Controller Generator
kale generate controller users
This will create a new RESTful controller named users
in the app/controllers
The controller contains index
, show
, create
, update
, and destroy
methods, as well as their routes.
View Generator
kale generate view users
This will create a new set of AngularJS views under /users
in app/assets/views
and app/assets/javascripts
Migration Generator
kale generate migration create_users
This will create a new migration named <timestamp>_create_users.js
in db/migrations
Scaffold Generator
kale generate scaffold User
This will run the model, migration and controller generators for a new User
To generate a simple Blog API, type the following:
npm install -g kalejs
kale new blog
cd blog
kale generate scaffold Posts
kale migrate
npm start