
1.0.9 • Public • Published


This repository contains a fuzzy search library that provides a flexible way to search and match strings using various fuzzy matching algorithms. It supports multiple languages and allows for customization of search options such as algorithms, thresholds, and synonym handling.


  • Multiple Matching Algorithms: Supports various algorithms for fuzzy matching, including:

    • Levenshtein
    • Damerau-Levenshtein
    • Jaro-Winkler
    • Soundex
    • Metaphone (beta)
    • jaccard similarity
    • ngram similarity
    • cosine similarity
    • tf-idf similarity
    • smith-waterman
  • Synonym Support: Handles synonyms with customizable frequency and weightings.

  • Customizable Search Options: Allows customization of search behavior, including algorithm choice, threshold, and more.

  • Language Support: Includes multiple languages for search messages, with easy extensions for additional languages.


The library implements the following algorithms for fuzzy matching:

  1. Levenshtein Distance: Measures the number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions, or substitutions) required to transform one string into another.
  2. Damerau-Levenshtein Distance: Similar to Levenshtein, but also considers transpositions of two adjacent characters.
  3. Jaro-Winkler Similarity: Measures the similarity between two strings, with a preference for strings that match from the beginning.
  4. Soundex: Converts a string to a phonetic code to find words that sound similar.
  5. Metaphone: An algorithm that encodes words to their phonetic representation, helping in phonetic matching.


To install this package, run the following command:

npm install kawesearch

Usage Example

Here is an example of how to use the Search class in your application. Example Setup

import Search from "kawesearch";

const data = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Kapadokya",
    type: "Gezilecek yerler",
    location: "Turkey",
    id: 2,
    name: "Cappadocia",
    type: "Tourist Attractions",
    location: "Turkey",

const synonyms = {
  Kapadokya: ["Cappadocia"],

const search = new Search(data, synonyms, {}, {
  language: "en", 
  algorithm: ["levenshtein", "soundex"],
  threshold: 0.7

async function performSearch() {
  const query = "Cappadocia";
  const results = await search.search(query);



  • Data: The data is a list of objects where each object contains a searchable field (name, tags, etc.).
  • Synonyms: Synonyms are provided for words that should be considered equivalent during the search. This helps in handling variations of terms like "Kapadokya" and "Cappadocia".
  • Search Options: Customize the search options, such as the algorithm to use and the threshold for matching.

Customizing Search Options

You can customize the search behavior by adjusting the following options:

  • algorithm: The algorithm(s) to use for calculating text similarity (default: ["levenshtein"]).
  • threshold: The similarity threshold for results (default: 0.8).
  • suggestOnNoMatch: Whether to suggest results if no exact match is found (default: true).
  • suggestionThreshold: The threshold for suggestion similarity (default: 0.5).
  • customSearch: A custom search function (default: null).
  • customMessages: Custom messages for results (default: {}).
  • debounceDelay: Delay before performing search after the last query (default: 300ms).
  • cacheSize: The size of the cache for storing search results (default: 100).
  • timeout: The timeout duration for search operations (default: 5000ms).
  • cacheTTL: The time-to-live for cache entries (default: 60000ms).


  • search(query): Initiates the search and returns the matching results.
  • _performSearch(query): Executes the actual search after debounce.
  • _suggest(query): Suggests alternative results if no direct match is found.
  • _match(query, word): Matches the query against a word using the selected algorithm.`
  • _setToCache(key, value): Caches a result with a specific key.
  • _getFromCache(key): Retrieves a cached result by key.

Languages Supported

The library currently supports the following languages for search messages:

  • English (en)
  • Turkish (tr)
  • German (de)
  • Azerbaijani (az)
  • French (fr)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Italian (it)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Arabic (ar)

You can easily extend the library to support additional languages by modifying the lang.js file or you can use customMessages.


const search = new Search(data, synonyms, {},{
    threshold: 0.8,
    suggestOnNoMatch: true,
    suggestionThreshold: 0.5,
    language: "cat",
    algorithm: "levenshtein",
    debounceDelay: 300,
    customMessages : {


import Search from "./index.js";

const keywords = Array.from({ length: 1000000 }, (_, i) => ({
    name: `keyword${i + 1}`,
    id: i + 1

const synonyms = keywords.reduce((acc, keyword) => {
    acc[keyword.name] = [`${keyword.name}Synonym1`, `${keyword.name}Synonym2`, `${keyword.name}Synonym3`];
    return acc;
}, {});

const search = new Search(keywords, synonyms, {}, {
    language: "en", 
    algorithm: ["levenshtein"],
    threshold: 0.6,
    timeout: 200,
    debounceDelay: 1,

async function benchmarkSearch(query) {
    const start = process.hrtime();
    const results = await search.search(query);
    const end = process.hrtime(start);

    const timeInMs = (end[0] * 1e9 + end[1]) / 1e6;
    console.log(`Search for "${query}" took ${Math.floor(timeInMs.toFixed(3))} ms and take ${results.length} results`);

    return timeInMs;

async function performBenchmark() {
    const query = "keyword99";
    const time = await benchmarkSearch(query);
    console.log(`Search time for "${query}": ${time.toFixed(3)} ms`); 



Search for "keyword99" took 78 ms and take 11111 results
Search time for "keyword99": 78.690 ms


We welcome contributions to this project! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository, create a branch for your changes, and submit a pull request. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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  • hasan-kilici42