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Kenrow Messaging Service (KMS)

Kenrow Messaging Service (KMS) is a socket-based messaging system that allows clients to connect, join rooms, send messages to individual clients or rooms, and receive messages. It uses Socket.IO to manage real-time connections and Express to handle the server infrastructure.

Features Socket Initialization: Automatically initialize the Socket.IO server if it's not already initialized. Join Rooms: Clients can join specific rooms to participate in targeted communication. Send Messages: To Rooms: Broadcast a message to all clients in a particular room. To All Clients: Send a message to every connected client. To Individual Clients: Send a message to a specific client based on their socketClientId. Receive Messages: Listen for messages based on message slugs and handle them via callbacks. Socket Disconnection: Manually disconnect the socket for a client. Server Integration: Easily integrates with an Express server, allowing Socket.IO to handle messaging and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) options. Installation Clone or download the repository. Install dependencies: bash Copy code npm install express Import the KMS class into your project. Usage

  1. Initialize the server First, create an Express server and pass it to the KMS class along with CORS options.

import express from "express"; import { Server } from ""; import KMS from "./KMS";

const app = express(); const server = app.listen(3000, () => console.log("Server is running on port 3000"));

const corsOptions = { origin: "*", methods: ["GET", "POST"], };

const messagingService = new KMS(server, corsOptions); messagingService.start();

  1. Handle Client Connections Use the onConnection method to define what should happen when a client connects.

messagingService.onConnection((socket) => { console.log(Client connected: ${}); });

  1. Send Messages to Rooms You can send messages to a specific room using sendMessageToRoom.

messagingService.sendMessageToRoom("room1", "messageSlug", { text: "Hello, Room 1!" });

  1. Send Messages to All Clients Use sendMessageToAll to broadcast a message to all connected clients.

messagingService.sendMessageToAll("messageSlug", { text: "Hello, everyone!" });

  1. Send Message to a Specific Client Use sendMessageToClient to send a message to a particular client.

messagingService.sendMessageToClient("messageSlug", { text: "Hello, client!" }); 6. Receive Messages Use the receiveMessage function to listen for incoming messages.

messagingService.receiveMessage("messageSlug", (data) => { console.log("Message received: ", data); });

  1. Disconnect a Client Use disconnectSocket to manually disconnect the currently connected client.



Private Methods

#socketInitialization(): Initializes the Socket.IO instance and sets up connection and disconnection handlers. Public Methods onConnection(callback): Sets up a handler for new socket connections. The callback receives the connected socket as an argument. sendMessageToRoom(room, messageSlug, messageData): Sends a message to all clients in the specified room. sendMessageToAll(messageSlug, messageData): Broadcasts a message to all connected clients. sendMessageToClient(messageSlug, messageData): Sends a message to the currently connected client. receiveMessage(messageSlug, callback): Listens for incoming messages with a specific slug and handles them using a callback. disconnectSocket(): Manually disconnects the currently connected client socket. start(): Starts the socket server.

Conclusion Kenrow Messaging Service provides an easy-to-use messaging system for real-time communication using Socket.IO. It allows developers to handle room-based messaging, client-specific messaging, and broadcasting messages to all clients. It integrates smoothly with an Express server and includes CORS configuration for cross-origin requests.




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