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0.10.1 • Public • Published

Keymask (JavaScript)

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Keymask maps integers and binary values of any length to and from compact, random-looking character strings.

1 -> "FyFLmR"
2 -> "JwKVWj"
3 -> "XcCjDG"

Values are first transformed by a Linear Congruential Generator (a fast, reversible pseudo-random number generator), then the result is encoded using a URL-safe character encoding. Minimum output length(s) can be specified, otherwise the keymask length will scale as needed. Each instance can be personalized using a unique seed value, resulting in unique keymask mappings.

There are two modes of operation. The standard mode encodes each 32 bits to 6 characters, using a base-41 encoding scheme. Since this uses a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, it is only suitable when case-sensitivity can be guaranteed. The more restrictive "safe" mode encodes each 32 bits to 7 characters using a base-24 encoding scheme. This can be used in case-insensitive settings, such as a hostname or subdomain.


When serial numbers or sequential database IDs are displayed publicly, they can leak information about system internals, such as how old a given record is, or the frequency of record creation.

Keymask encodes serial numbers in such a way that they can be displayed to end users without revealing these kinds of details. Since they are meant to be displayed publicly, measures are taken to avoid potentially offensive character combinations (by omitting vowels from its encoding alphabet, Keymask generally does not output recognizable words of any kind).


Releases are published to npm as keymask. Install the package normally using your preferred package manager (npm i keymask, yarn add keymask, pnpm add keymask, etc).


The module exports three main classes, Keymask, KeymaskGenerator (the LCG) and KeymaskEncoder (the character encoder). These can be used independently of each other, but for simple use cases, the main Keymask class is typically all you need. There is also an additional class, StrictKeymask that can be used in special cases (described below under the safe option).

Example (Default settings)

import { Keymask } from "keymask";

const keymask = new Keymask();

const masked = keymask.mask(123456789); // "wMjMGR"
const unmask = keymask.unmask("wMjMGR"); // 123456789


type KeymaskOptions = {
  seed?: ArrayBuffer;
  size?: number | number[];
  safe?: boolean;
  type?: "number" | "bigint" | "string" | "integer" | "buffer";
  encoder?: KeymaskEncoder;


If a seed value is provided, it will be used to initialize LCG offsets and shuffle the encoding alphabet. This allows different Keymask instances to produce completely different outputs.

The seed should be provided as an ArrayBuffer, and should be 32 bytes long for standard mode, or 20 bytes for safe mode. Note, however, that if a preconfigured KeymaskEncoder is used (see encoder option below), then the seed supplied to the Keymask constructor only needs to be 8 bytes long.

Providing a randomized seed is highly recommended, as this makes the mappings between inputs and outputs relatively unpredictable. Note that the seed should typically not change for the lifetime of your application, as this would render it impossible to unmask previously masked values.

Example (Seeded)

import { Keymask } from "keymask";

const keymask = new Keymask({
  seed: new Uint8Array([
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

const masked = keymask.mask(123456789); // "ycQXDm"
const unmask = keymask.unmask("ycQXDm"); // 123456789


The output length(s) can be specified by providing a number or an array of numbers to the size option. If a single number is provided, it defines the minimum output length; values that exceed this minimum length will scale automatically, with additional characters added as needed.

If an array of numbers is provided, they represent successive allowable output lengths. If the highest provided size is less than 12 (14 in safe mode), then longer outputs will scale automatically, as above. If you do not want this auto-scaling behavior, be sure to include 12 ( or 14 in safe mode) as the last value in the size array.

Note that long inputs (greater than 64 bits) are processed in 64-bit blocks, and the size setting applies only to the final block. If your inputs are word-aligned (to some multiple of 64 bits), it is generally recommended to provide the setting size: 12 (or size: 14 in safe mode), as this will ensure that unmasked values are always a multiple of 64 bits long, even when the final block happens to contain a value that can be encoded in fewer characters.

This setting should generally not be changed for the lifetime of your application, as this may interfere with the ability to unmask previously masked values.

Example (Defined output lengths)

import { Keymask } from "keymask";

const keymask = new Keymask({
  size: [5, 10]

const masked = keymask.mask(123456789); // "xMMJdmtCcf"
const unmask = keymask.unmask("xMMJdmtCcf"); // 123456789


Safe mode is triggered using a boolean flag on the options object. This prevents encoded keymasks from containing any uppercase characters, making it suitable for use in case-insensitive settings (such as a subdomain). It also increases the block size from 12 to 14, something to bear in mind when configuring the output size.

Example (Safe mode)

import { Keymask } from "keymask";

const keymask = new Keymask({
  safe: true

const masked = keymask.mask(123456789); // "mfwbdg"
const unmask = keymask.unmask("mfwbdg"); // 123456789


Some systems, in addition to being case-insensitive, do not allow the first character of a string to be a numeral. In these cases, the StrictKeymask class can be used as a replacement for the main Keymask class. This class forces safe mode, and overrides the mask and unmask functions so that initial numeric characters are replaced with a vowel.

Although this introduces vowels into the encoding, thus the possibility of recognizable words, offensive words beginning with e, i, o or u (and containing no other vowels) are relatively uncommon.


By default, Keymask unmasks values as a number when possible, while larger values, up to 64 bits, will unmask to a BigInt and above 64 bits they will be returned as an ArrayBuffer. Since there is no way of knowing in advance how long the supplied keymask will be, the return type is a union type:

type KeymaskData = number | bigint | string | ArrayBuffer;

There may well be times when you know the expected return type in advance, or you want to cast the result to a specified type. In such cases, you can supply the expected or desired type using the type option. If provided, it must conform to one of the following strings (otherwise it will fall back to the default behavior).

  • "number" The result will be returned optimistically as a number type (no type conversion is done, so type safety is not guaranteed; be sure to only use this with short keymasks).
  • "bigint" The result will be converted to a BigInt regardless of its magnitude.
  • "string" The result will be converted to a BigInt then cast to a string regardless of its magnitude.
  • "integer" Similar to the default behaviour, but values larger than 64 bits will be returned as a BigInt rather than an ArrayBuffer. The return type is number | bigint.
  • "buffer" The result will be converted to an ArrayBuffer regardless of its magnitude.

Example (Specify the return type)

import { Keymask } from "keymask";

const defaultKeymask = new Keymask();
const numberKeymask = new Keymask({ type: "number" });
const bigintKeymask = new Keymask({ type: "bigint" });
const stringKeymask = new Keymask({ type: "string" });
const bufferKeymask = new Keymask({ type: "buffer" });

const unmask1 = defaultKeymask.unmask("wMjMGR"); // 123456789 as KeymaskData
const unmask2 = numberKeymask.unmask("wMjMGR"); // 123456789 as number
const unmask3 = bigintKeymask.unmask("wMjMGR"); // 123456789n as bigint
const unmask4 = stringKeymask.unmask("wMjMGR"); // "123456789"
const unmask5 = bufferKeymask.unmask("wMjMGR");
// [21, 205, 91, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0] as ArrayBuffer


It is not uncommon for an application to employ multiple serial numbers (for example, multiple database tables with auto-incrementing primary keys). In such cases, it may be desirable to have each of them map to a unique keymask sequence.

One way of doing this is to create multiple Keymask instances, each with a unique 256-bit seed. A more efficient alternative is to have all of the instances share a single KeymaskEncoder. The encoder can be seeded once (requires a single 192-bit seed) and passed into each Keymask instance. Consequently, each instance only requires an additional 64-bit (8-byte) seed to customize the LCG offsets.

Example (Multiple instances with a shared encoder)

import { Keymask, KeymaskEncoder } from "keymask";

const sharedEncoder = new KeymaskEncoder(new Uint8Array([
  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
  17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

const keymask1 = new Keymask({
  encoder: sharedEncoder,
  seed: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).buffer,
  size: 5

const keymask2 = new Keymask({
  encoder: sharedEncoder,
  seed: new Uint8Array([11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88]).buffer,
  size: 5

const mask1a = keymask1.mask(1); // "yBtrf"
const mask1b = keymask1.mask(2); // "qTvWY"
const mask1c = keymask1.mask(3); // "ZkgVt"

const mask2a = keymask2.mask(1); // "tHHCd"
const mask2b = keymask2.mask(2); // "LWLzR"
const mask2c = keymask2.mask(3); // "xfQkX"

Why Base 41?

Base41 is a highly efficient encoding for 16-, 32- and 64-bit values, comparable to Base57 or Base85 in this respect. Whereas Base85 encodes 32 bits to 5 ASCII characters, Base41 requires 6 characters. For comparison, the decimal representation of a 32-bit value requires 10 characters and the hexadecimal, 8 characters. It can therefore be said that Base41 is 25% more efficient than hexadecimal and 40% more efficient than decimal, but 20% less efficient than Base85.

The primary advantage that Base41 holds over Base85 is that it is free of special characters, making it suitable for use in URLs or anywhere else that non-alphanumeric characters have special meanings or functions. Raw Base85 is more compact, but in certain situations its output may need to be further encoded or escaped, negating its size advantage. For example, the URL-encoded version of d%E[q2^hjU is d%25E%5Bq2%5EhjU which uses 16 characters to represent a 64-bit value, the same as hexadecimal.

For its part, Base57 (or the somewhat more common Base58) is also free of special characters, therefore URL-safe. However, since it includes virtually the full range of alphanumeric ASCII characters, encoded values can inadvertently contain recognizable words, phrases or slang, including potentially offensive language. For example, the Base58 encoding of 0x949545 is rude, and, needless to say, there are even ruder examples. Although such instances are statistically rare, it may be preferable not to display them to end-users.

Dropping down to Base41 allows us to remove all vowels and numerals from the encoding alphabet, which makes it virtually impossible to generate crude or otherwise offensive character combinations. The encoding is therefore both URL-safe and "safe for all audiences". In addition, it is free of commonly confused character sets, including O / 0 and l / I / 1.

Why Base 24?

The motivating use case for the "safe" mode is URL subdomains, as this portion of the URL is case-insensitive. Thus, we only have 36 characters at our disposal (the lowercase Latin ASCII alphabet and the 10 numerals). Base41 is therefore not an option.

If we are to maintain the "safe for all audiences" standard, we must remove the five vowels and any numbers that are commonly substituded for vowels in 1337 speak, pagercode and similar conventions. These include 0 for o, 1 for i, 3 for e, and, depending on dialect, 4, 6 or 8 for a, leaving a maximum of 25-27 encoding characters.

Efficient encodings for 64-bit values include Base31 (13 characters per 64 bits) and Base24 (14 characters per 64 bits), and, given the above, the latter is the most efficient encoding that can be used. Keymask's "safe" encoding alphabet therefore consists of the lowercase Latin alphabet, minus the five vowels and the letter l, plus the numbers 2, 5, 7 and 9.


On commodity hardware (2020 M1 Macbook Air), a single invocation of Keymask.mask() (JIT-compiled) takes on the order of 10 microseconds, whereas a tight loop of one million invocations takes an average of between 0.2 and 0.6 microseconds per call (for inputs up to 64 bits long). This amounts to well over a million keymasks per second.

For best performance, the Keymask class instance should be cached for repeated usage.

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