kima-cli was built based on a case where I had to do the same thing over and over again every time I made a React Native project, where the stack-tech used is monotonous. Therefore, I had to create an automation to make this easier. Finally, I decided to create a CLI (Command Line Interface) which will later generate a boilerplate template in which all the tech-stacks are installed and ready to use.
kima-cli has several stacks that are often used by companies in general, called:
- Build with Typescript
- React Native (v0.70.0)
- React Navigation 6
- Redux Tool Kit
- Redux Sagas
- Redux Persist
- AsyncStorage
- i18n ready
- Storybook ready
- Custom dark theme setup ready
- Some useful custom hooks ready
- Jest & React Native testing library ready
- Reanimated 2 ready
- React-native-svg ready
- Example of component, state-management, screens, etc are ready
- Custom fonts ready
- Lottie-react-native
- Env ready
- etc
- Make sure your laptop or machine supports the latest version of react-native, which is v0.70.0
- For Android, make sure you update your JDK to JDK version 11
Run the CLI:
# to create a new React Native app React Native
npx kima-cli new YourAmazingApp
# or make sure you always use the latest version
npx kima-cli@latest new YourAmazingApp
# Please wait for a while, kima-cli will prepare everything for you
# after that, make sure all assets are connected too
npx react-native-asset
# Change .env if you want to use storybook mode.
# Otherwise, change it to false
# After that run the command yarn run cc
# Run the application with the usual command
yarn ios / yarn android
# Open the '.env' file
# Add the variables you want
# Don’t forget to register the variable on @types/react-native-dotenv/env.d.ts with a ‘string’ type so that later typescript can automatically read it
declare module '@env' {
export const USE_STORYBOOK: string
// write down your env var here
export const API_SERVER: string
# Open src/navigators/types.ts
# add a new enum values
export enum Screens {
welcomeScreen = 'WelcomeScreen',
greetingsScreen = 'GreetingsScreen',
// write down your screens name here
yourNewScreen = 'YourNewScreen'
# add your route and params you are creating, if not then fill it with ‘undefined’
export type RootStackParamList = {
WelcomeScreen: undefined
GreetingsScreen: {
name: string
// write down your route name and params here
YourNewScreen: undefined
# last step! add your screen in 'src/navigators/RootNavigator.tsx'
For other setups, you can see the example in this project. Please perform all the steps as shown in the example. You can do it! 😎
Can not run the application on Android:
- Make sure you have updated your laptop or machine to a supported version for the latest react-native version
- Make sure you are using JDK 11
- You can watch this tutorial Youtube video for update JDK to version 11
100% made with ❤️
I don’t need a star on my github, what I need is how you feel helped by using this tool. 🫡