
0.8.2 • Public • Published


HackMyResume but Keep it simple, (stupid). I really liked the original HackMyResume tool, but it lacked some important features, did not always provide the best results and I found the code base rather complicated. So I created my own version, strongly inspired by the HackMyResume project and the resume-cli, but tried to keep it simple by relying on off-the-shelf tools and libraries.


The project is still WIP and in very early stage. It targets following shortcomings of the HackMyResume [1] and resume-cli [2] tools:

  • missing support for asynchronous template rendering (1,2)
  • PDF export relying on 3rd party tools (1)
  • exported PDF looking differently than HTML printed as PDF (1)
  • no support for local themes (2)

Current status

To provide best support for the broad variety of 3rd party themes the official release (0.0.0) of Json-resume schema is supported and used for validation.

Currently supported

  • CLI - implemented with the Caporal.js framework.
  • Support for resumes in JSON-resume format
  • Support for Json-resume themes
  • Export in all formats without the necessity for any 3rd party libraries/tools
  • Export to HTML
  • Export to PDF and PNG utilizing the puppeteer Headless Chrome Node API
  • Export to DOCX with the html-docx-js library
  • Export to YAML with the json2yaml utility
  • Export to all formats at once
  • Resume validation (JSON-Resume, FRESH)
  • Empty resume initialization
  • Resume HTML live preview with hot-reload

To do

  • Resume conversion (JSON-Resume ⟷ FRESH)
  • Support for FRESH resumes through conversion
  • Resume analysis
  • Resume editor (live preview + Json editor)
  • Normalizing validation error messages (z-schema-errors)
  • ...

Getting Started

Install globally from the NPM

npm install -g kiss-my-resume

You can also install locally and use the npm link command to create the kissmyresume command

npm install kiss-my-resume
npm link


kissmyresume 0.8.0
     kissmyresume <command> [options]
     build <source>         Build your resume to the destination format(s).
     new <name>             Create a new resume in JSON Resume format.
     validate <source>      Validate structure and syntax of your resume.
     serve <source>         Show your resume in a browser with hot-reloading upon resume changes
     help <command>         Display help for a specific command
     -h, --help         Display help
     -V, --version      Display version
     --no-color         Disable colors
     --quiet            Quiet mode - only displays warn and error messages
     -v, --verbose      Verbose mode - will also output debug messages


     cli.js build <source>
     <source>      The path to the source JSON resume file.      required
     -f, --format <format>      Set output format (HTML|PDF|YAML|DOCX|PNG|ALL)      optional      default: "all"
     -o, --out <directory>      Set output directory                                optional      default: "./out"
     -n, --name <name>          Set output file name                                optional      default: "resume"
     -t, --theme <theme>        Set the theme you wish to use                       optional      default: "jsonresume-theme-flat"

The default theme for the resume is the flat-theme - same as resume-cli. You can use local themes or themes installed from NPM with the -t, --theme option flag. You can use the theme name flat, npm package name jsonresume-theme-flat or a local path node_modules/jsonresume-theme-flat.

The theme must expose a render method returning the the HTML markup in its entry-point file. The theme can expose a renderAsync method returning a Promise resolving to HTML Markup. With this, the theme will be still compatible with the HackMyResume and resume-cli tools.

Export to Docx is very basic and supports images as long they are encoded in Base64 and included within the HTML markup <img src=" ...

My mocha-responsive theme supports async rendering and inline Base64 encoded profile pictures, give it a shot!


     kissmyresume new <name>
     <name>      The name for the new resume file.      required
     -o, --out <directory>      Set output directory      optional      default: "./resume"

Creates new empty Json-resume with a given name.


     cli.js validate <source>
     <source>      The path to the source JSON resume file to be validate.      required

Does some basic validation, printing either a success message or list of errors found by the validator.

--- Your resume contains errors ---
#    Additional properties not allowed: level in #/languages/1 
#    Additional properties not allowed: years in #/languages/1 


     kissmyresume serve <source>
     <source>      The path to the source JSON resume file to be served.      required
     -t, --theme <theme>      Set the theme you wish to use                        optional      default: "jsonresume-theme-flat"
     -p, --port <theme>       Set the port the webserver will be listening on      optional      default: 3000

Renders the resume to HTML with the selected theme, starts web server at the selected port, opens the rendered HTML in the default browser and watches the resume source for changes. Are changes detected, the resume will re-rendered and the page will be automatically reloaded.


MIT. Go crazy. See for details.

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  • karlitos