$ npm install -g knead
Resolve data table conflicts one step at a time
Not Small Data. When data conflicts are sufficiently troubling to resolve manually.
You can send two files into knead
. You'll see a daff for each chunk, with a prompt to keep the changes or not. Changes that are kept will be written to the given resolved file.
$ knead <base-file> <changed-file> <resolved-file> [--format] [--limit]
Stream from stdin to stdout:
$ knead -
: also known as local file
, this is the file that will work as the 'truth' for the diff
: also known as remote file
, this is the file that is proposing changes
: this is where the approved or disapproved changes will be saved.
: 'csv' (default). the data format to write to the resolved file. 'csv','json', or 'ndjson'
: 1 (default). the number of rows per page
$ knead 2012.csv 2015_changes.csv current.json --format json --limit 20