
2.3.0 • Public • Published

example workflow npm version


knex-abstract youtube demo - nested set example


npx knex-abstract
# follow instruction on the screen
cd knex-project
cat test.js
# and see Makefile


require('dotenv-up')(4, false, '.env');

const knex              = require('knex-abstract');

const config      = require('config');


(async function(){

    const list = await knex().model.common.raw('show tables');

    // ...



See example of config



import knex from 'knex-abstract';

const { Opt }           = knex.prototype;
// or import { Opt } from 'knex-abstract';

const prototype         = knex.prototype;

const a                 = prototype.a;

const man = knex().model.registered_manager_name;

(async function () {

     * Just helper to process parameters, return raw data as it is returned from native knex
    const result = await man.raw(`select * from ...`, {...params});

     * The same like .raw() but it extracts proper response data
     * NOTE: Uses .raw() internally
    const data1 = await man.query(`select * from ...`, {...params});

     * the same like query but ...
     * ... it will also pass data through fromDb()
     * uses internally fromDb();
     * NOTE: Uses .query() internally
     * uses: fromDb
    const data2 = await man.fetch(`select * from ...`, {...params});

     * Extract data
     * @throws Error - if found more then one
     * @return undefined - if nothing found, object if found one
     * NOTE: Uses .query() internally
     * uses: fromDb
    const row1 = await man.fetchOne(`select * from ...`, {...params});

     * Returns value from first column of first found row
     * Extract data
     * @throws Error - if found more then one
     * @return undefined - if nothing found, object if found one
     * NOTE: Uses .fetchOne() internally - inherites .fetchOne() throws
     * uses: fromDb
    const count1 = await man.fetchColumn(`select count(*) c from ...`, {...params});

     * Count all rows in table
     * NOTE: Uses .fetchColumn() internally - inherites .fetchOne() throws
     * IT'S NOT USING: fromDb
    const count2 = await man.count();

     * Different version of fetchOne that accept only 'select' of query and id in parameters
     * NOTE: Uses .fetchOne() internally - inherites .fetchOne() throws
     * uses: fromDb
    const row2 = await man.find(`id, title, ...`);

     * Returns all rows from table - quite ofthen useful if there is not many rows in table
     * NOTE: Uses .fetch() internally
     * uses: fromDb
    const list1 = await man.findAll();

     * NOTE: Uses .query() internally
     * uses: toDb
    const newRowId = await man.insert({
        col1: 'col1 value',
        col2: 'col2 value',

     * NOTE: Uses .query() internally
     * @param object entity
     * @param string|integer|object id
     * @return affectedRows
     * uses: toDb
    const affectedRows1 = await man.update({
        col1: 'col1 value',
        col2: 'col2 value',
    }, {id: 'idvalue'});

     * NOTE: Uses .query() internally
     * @param string|integer|object id
     * @return affectedRows
    const affectedRows2 = await man.delete({id: 'idvalue'});

     * Create transaction internally if there is no trx object given in first parameter
    await this.transactify(trx, async trx => {

        const id = await this.insert(trx, {

     * This way you are using internally .transaction() method on native knex object
    await this.transactify(async trx => {

        const id = await this.insert(trx, {

     * In order to stop passing data before and after fetching
     * and puting to database through toDb and fromDb
     * there is a way to tell to ignore those functions
    await this.find(Opt({
        fromDb  : false, // by default is true so always data are passed through fromDB if it's defined
        toDb    : false, // by default is true so always data are passed through toDb if it's defined
        both    : false, // disable passing through fromDb & toDb using one flag
    }), 1)

     * Flag to print all queries to the console
    await this.find(Opt({
        debug: true, // def: false, might be also number it will then
        // define how deep log.dump() should inspect objects
    }), 1);

     * If debug flag is the only parameter that you want to pass use shortcut
    await this.find(true, 1);

     * Example method of manager with cascading transaction
        // ...
        update: async function (...args) {

            let [debug, trx, entity, id] = a(args);

            return await this.transactify(trx, async trx => {

                if (Array.isArray(entity.roles)) {

                    await this.updateRoles(trx, id, entity.roles)

                return, debug, trx, entity, id);
        // ...


For more informations see source code

Debugging and transactions

All above methods accept additional extra parameters:

  • debug - boolean (default false) parameter force to pring internal queries to the cli console
  • trx - function (default empty) optional parameter to pass outher transaction object in order to execute logic of specific method inside external transaction

types function and boolean are reserved for this two parameters in all above methods

Example use case:

Nested set

// tags.js
const abstract = require("knex-abstract");

const extend = abstract.extend;

const prototype = abstract.prototype_common;

const nestedset = require("knex-abstract/nestedset");

const table = "tags";

const id = "id";

module.exports = (knex) =>
        columns: {
          l: "l",
          r: "r",
          level: "level",
          pid: "parent_id",
          sort: "sort",
        initialize: () => {}, // other custom methods

And from now on manager will have extra available methods:

const knex = require("../../src");

(async function () {
  const man = knex().model.tags;

  // this method will initialize columns level, sort, l, r
  // and if root already exist this method will check if it's valid
  const root = await man.treeInit({
    title: "root",

  // will find element with only id, parent_id, level, sort, l, r columns
  // columns will be normalized to regular names pid, level, sort, l, r even if real columns in
  // database are different
  const node = await man.treeFindOne();

  // ... and others

Internal calls of methods

const abstract = require("knex-abstract");

const { Opt } = abstract;

const extend = abstract.extend;

const prototype = abstract.prototype_common;

const table = "tags";

const id = "id";

const ns = nestedset({
  columns: {
    l: "l",
    r: "r",
    level: "level",
    pid: "parent_id",
    sort: "sort",

module.exports = (knex) =>
    Object.assign({}, ns, {
      update: async function (...args) {
        let [opt, trx, entity, id] = a(args);

        const { generatePathStop } = opt;

        return await this.transactify(trx, async (trx) => {
          const ret = await, opt, trx, entity, id);

          if (generatePathStop !== true) {
            await this.generatePath(
                generatePathStop: true,

          return ret;

      treeDelete: async function (...args) {
        // standalone

        let [opt, trx, id] = a(args);

        return await this.transactify(trx, async (trx) => {
          const ret = await, ...args);

          await this.generatePath(opt, trx, id);

          return ret;

      treeMoveBefore: async function (...args) {
        // Calls internally treeMoveToNthChild 1-2
      treeMoveAfter: async function (...args) {
        // Calls internally treeMoveToNthChild 1-2

      treeCreateBefore: async function (...args) {
        // Calls internally treeCreateAsNthChild 1-3
      treeCreateAfter: async function (...args) {
        // Calls internally treeCreateAsNthChild 1-3

      treeMoveToNthChild: async function (...args) {
        // Calls internally treeCreateAsNthChild 2-3
      treeCreateAsNthChild: async function (...args) {
        // standalone

        let [opt, trx, opt2 = {}] = a(args);

        return await this.transactify(trx, async (trx) => {
          const ret = await, ...args);

          await this.generatePath(opt, trx, opt2.sourceId);

          return ret;

Single file example

const path = require("path");

const log = require("inspc");

const knex = require("../../src");

const extend = knex.extend;

const prototype = knex.prototype;

const config = require(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "ormconfig.js"));

  def: "mysql",
  mysql: {
    client: "mysql",
    connection: {
      port: config.port,
      user: config.username,
      password: config.password,
      database: config.database,
      charset: "utf8",
      multipleStatements: true,
    pool: {
      afterCreate: function (conn, cb) {
        conn.query(`SET SESSION sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@SESSION.sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''))`, function (err) {
          cb(err, conn);
      min: 2,
      max: 6,
      createTimeoutMillis: 3000,
      acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
      idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,
      reapIntervalMillis: 1000,
      createRetryIntervalMillis: 100,
    acquireConnectionTimeout: 60000,
    models: {
      common: (knex) => extend(knex, prototype, {}),

(async function () {
  try {
    const man = knex().model.common;

    const migrationsTableName = config.migrationsTableName || "migrations";

    let count = await man.fetchColumn("select count(*) c from ??", [migrationsTableName]);

  } catch (e) {
      mcountdb_catch_error: e,


Dev notes

git clone
cd knex-abstract
make up
cp .env.dist .env
npm install --global nodemon

# this exchanges the package.json with the package_prod
make yarn

make link

cp migrations/ormconfig.js.mysql migrations/ormconfig.js
# node recreate-db.js [dangerous] # this will recreate empty db in mysql only
(cd migrations && make migrate)

cp migrations/ migrations/ormconfig.js
# psql -c 'create database knex;' -U postgres # if needed only
make mrun

make manual

# then if you run
make cc
# you can go to
# to test manally

Changing the package:

  • before you commit the changes be sure you run make cp before (to bring proper package.json files)
  • commit the changes but do not push them to git!!
  • make u (this will push and publish the changes to npm/git)
  • if you pushed accidentially then run make uf (force mode)



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