A Node.js Koa wrapper for felixge/node-mysql based off of sidorares/mysql-co.
- Node.js v4.x+ for ES6 generators support
First, install the package using npm:
npm install koa-mysql --save
Then, execute a query within a Koa middleware function using the following code:
var mysql = ; // Create a MySQL connection pool (do this once)var db = mysql; // Execute a sample query (with params)var rows = db; // Output test result (3)thisbody = test: rows0test ;
Koa Example
Here's a more complete example that includes creating a basic Koa app and executing a query (also available in examples/query.js
var koa = ;var mysql = ; // Create a MySQL connection pool (do this once)var db = mysql; // Create sample appvar app = ; // Run sample appapp; // HTTP portvar port = processenvPORT || 3000; // Listen for connectionsapp; // Log portconsole;
Run the script and visit http://localhost:3000/ to test it out. The server should return { test: 3 }
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