Very simple wrapper to node's built-in zlib library for use in koa.
By 'thunkifying' zlib's convenience methods, they can be 'yielded' inside koa generator functions.
To install simply run:
npm install koa-zlib
Require koa first and will only work on node v0.11.7 or newer.
You must run node with --harmony flag (--harmony-generators works as well)
node --harmony example.js
Simple example using koa-zlib in koa:
var koa = require('koa');
var zlib = require('koa-zlib');
var app = koa();
app.use(function *() {
var buffer = yield zlib.deflate('dionoid was here'); //Yay, zipping with no callbacks!
this.body = 'Zipped text: ' + buffer.toString('base64');
buffer = new Buffer('eJxLyczPy89MUShPLFbISC1KBQA0pwYW', 'base64');
this.body += '\nUnzipped text: ' + (yield zlib.unzip(buffer)).toString();
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080);