A kludge to use CodeBuild's buildspec.yml locally
<wait while stuff builds>
- Assumes you have a buildspec.yml in your current folder
- Must have Docker installed
- For now, you will need to build the Docker image that I have included in ./nodejs/6.3.1 based on the AWS CodeBuild Docker image.
Extended Usage:
./kodebuild - Launches the Docker container with kodebuild inside
./kodebuild help - Shows the Docker build instructions
Contact me:
- email: ivan@allthethin.gs
- web: https://allthethin.gs
// TO-DO: add-in a bunch of default CodeBuild environmental variables
// TO-DO: copy artifacts to S3...
// TO-DO: better artifact section support
// TO-DO: make sure all the phases are here
// TO-DO: maybe fail the build early if any one section fails
// TO-DO: create config capability to define your own default docker image easily
// TO-DO: parameter-store not supported at this time
// TO-DO: cache section not supported at this time