
1.0.1-alpha.9.3.1 • Public • Published

Sequelize Plugin for kvell

Kvell-db-plugin-sequelize wraps up sequelize and exposes all three values required to be exposed by a kvell database plugin.


npm i kvell-db-plugin-sequelize

You'll also have to manually install the driver for your database of choice:

npm install --save pg pg-hstore # Postgres
npm install --save mysql2
npm install --save mariadb
npm install --save sqlite3
npm install --save tedious # Microsoft SQL Server

Configuration Variables

Internally, kvell-db-plugin-sequelize will instantiate the database object using sequelize's contructor.


To use it, just install the package and add a databasePlugin object in kvell.config.js with the following fields:

  • resolve: Name of the plugin, i.e, kvell-db-plugin-sequelize

  • options: All the parameters that you need to pass in the sequelize constructor. The following keys are accepted:

    • database (string): The name of the database

    • username (string): The username which is used to authenticate against the database.

    • password (string): The password which is used to authenticate against the database. Supports SQLCipher encryption for SQLite.

    • options (Object): An object with options, with the following mandatory keys:

      • dialect (string): The dialect of the database you are connecting to. One of mysql, postgres, sqlite and mssql.

      • dialectModulePath* (string): Path to the dialect module. This field is mandatory. For example, if you are using mysql2 as your dialect module, you can specify it as follows:

        dialectModulePath: require.resolve("mysql2");

    The plugin exports the following:

  • dbLib: The sequelize object. Check sequelize docs for complete api reference.

  • dbInstance: The instantiated sequelize instance

  • initHandler: (not for use)

Example usage:

  • kvell.config.js:
databasePlugins: [
    resolve: "kvell-db-plugin-sequelize",
    options: {
      database: process.env.DATABASE_NAME,
      username: process.env.DATABASE_USERNAME,
      password: process.env.DATABASE_PASSWORD,
      options: {
        dialect: "mysql",
        host: "localhost",
        logging: false
        dialectModulePath: require.resolve("mysql2")
  • userModel.js:
const sequelize = require("kvell-db-plugin-sequelize").dbInstance;
const Sequelize = require("kvell-db-plugin-sequelize").dbLib;

// Create your User model's schema here and export it.

const User = sequelize.define("user", {
  id: {
    type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
    autoIncrement: true,
    allowNull: false
  email: {
    unique: true,
    type: Sequelize.STRING,
    allowNull: false
  password: {
    type: Sequelize.STRING,
    allowNull: true
  userName: {
    type: Sequelize.STRING,
    allowNull: true

module.exports = User;

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npm i kvell-db-plugin-sequelize

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  • nsharma1396