Universal l33t converter
Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet.
npm install l33t --save-dev
For example you could use the following code:
var leet = ;leet; // |_[-[-+
Use the custom symbols
var leet = ; leet; leet; /-\\|3<)
Use the custom phrases
var leet = ; leet; leet; // один 2 /-\\|3[) <0M3
Use the custom numeric combinations
var leet = numeric: true ; leet; leet; // 1 0 1
An alternative numeric view
var leet = numeric: true; leet; // 1337
Randomize results
var leet = random: true; leet; // ВЈ|=-ë77
Advanced rules
You can set a personal hash-table with more combinations like:
var leet = ; leet { return a: '@' }; leet; // @bc
var leet = ; leet { return one: '01' }; leet; // 012
var leet = numeric: true; leet { return a: '01' }; leet; // 012
Default symbol combinations
a: '/-\\' '@' '/*\\' '/=\\' '/\\' '^' 'aye' 'λ' 'ci' 'Z' '(L' '∂' 4 b: '|3' 'I3' '!3' 'ß' '(3' '/3' ')3' '|-]' ']3' 'j3' 6 13 8 c: '[' '(' '<' '¢' '{' '©©' 'sea' 'see' 5 d: ')' '|)' '[)' '(|' '∂' '])' '|}' '|]' 'I>' '|>' '?' 'T)' 'I7' 0 'ð' 'cl' 2 e: '[-' '£' '&' '€' 'ə' 'ë' '|=-' 3 f: '|=' 'ʃ’' '|#' ']=' '/=' '}' 'ph' '(=' 'ƒ' 'v' 7 g: '[,' '&' '(_+' 'C-' 'gee' 'jee' 'cj' '(?,' '{,' '<-' '(.' 6 9 h: '|-|' '\\-/' '/-/' '#' ']-[' '[-]' ')-(' '(-)' '|~|' '|-|' ']~[' '!-!' '1-1' ':-:' '}{' '}-{' 'I+I' '{-}' '\\=\\' '|=|' '|.|' '|=|' '|*|' 'aych' '?' 6 i: '!' '|' 'eye' '3y3' 'ai' '¡' 1 j: '_|' '_/' ',_|' '_]' ',_]' '._|' '._]' ']' '¿' '</' '_)' 'ʝ' '01' k: '|<' '>|' '1<' 'X' '|c' '|(' '|X' '|{' '05' l: '|_' 'ВЈ' '|' '|_' 'lJ' '£' '¬' 1 7 '07' m: '/\\/\\' '|\\/|' 'em' '|v|' 'IYI' 'IVI' '[V]' '^^' 'nn' '//\\\\//\\\\' '(V)' '(v)' '{V}' '(\\/)' '|\\|\\' '/|\\' '/|/|' '<\\/>' '.\\\\' '/^^\\' '/V\\' '|^^|' 'AA' 44 '02' n: '|\\|' '^/' '/\\/' '//\\\\//' '₪' '[\]' '<\\>' '{\\}' '/V' '//' 'ท' 'И' '[]\\[]' ']\\[' '~' '03' o: '()' 'oh' 'p' '<>' '[]' 'Ω' 'Ω' '¤' 0 '08' p: '|*' '|o' '|º' '|>' '|"' '|^' '?' '9' '[]D' '|7' 'q' '¶' '℗' 'þ' '|D' 66 q: '0_' '0,' '(,)' '<|' 'cue' '&' 9 2 99 r: '|2' '|9' '|?' '/2' 'I2' '|^' '|~' '|-' 'lz' 'В' 'I2' '[z' '|`' 'l2' 'ʁ' '.-' 'Я' '®' 2 44 s: '$' 'z' '§' 'ehs' 'es' 5 2 55 t: '+' '-|-' '\'][\'' '†' '~|~' '«|»' 7 1 77 u: '|_|' '(_)' 'Y3W' 'M' '[_]' '\_/' '\_\\' '/_/' 'L|' 'v' 'µ' 'บ' 88 v: '\\/' '√' '\\\\//' '007' w: '\\/\\/' 'vv' '\'//' '\\\\\'' '\\^/' '(n)' '\\X/' '\\|/' '\\_|_/' '\\\\//\\\\//' '\\_:_/' ']I[' 'UU' 'dubya' '\\V/' '\\X/' 'UU' '2u' 'Ш' 'ɰ' '₩' 'JL' '008' x: '><' '%' 'Р–' '}{' 'ecks' 'Г—' '*' ')(' '][' 'ex' '001' y: '`/' 'j' '`(' '-/' '\'/' '\\//' 'φ' 'λ' 'Ч' '¥' 'Ψ' 7 '002' z: '≥' '-/_' '~/_' '-\\_' '-|_' '>_' 's' '%' '7_' 'ʒ' 2 '003';
Default phrase combinations
'one' : 1 'two' : 2 'to' : 2 'too' : 2 'tree' : 3 'three': 3 'four' : 4 'for' : 4 'five' : 5 'six' : 6 'seven': 7 'eight': 8 'ait' : 8 'ate' : 8 'eit' : 8 'nine' : 9 'ks' : 'x' 'cs' : 'x' 'and' : 7 'anned': 7 'ant' : 7 'yeah' : 'ya!' 'you' : 'u' 'cool' : 'k1'
Default numeric combinations
a: 4 b: 6 13 8 c: 5 d: 0 2 e: 3 f: 7 g: 6 9 h: 6 i: 1 j: '01' k: '05' l: 1 7 '07' m: 44 '02' n: '03' o: 0 '08' p: 66 q: 9 2 99 r: 2 44 s: 5 2 55 t: 7 1 77 u: 88 v: '007' w: '008' x: '001' y: 7 '002' z: 2 '003' 0: 0 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 4 5: 5 6: 6 7: 7 8: 8 9: 9
npm test
Task submitted by Alexander Abashkin