
1.4.2 • Public • Published


holy javascript client/server communication over websockets (sync/async/timed/publish/subscribed/multichan)

It feels like doing ordinary XMLHttpRequest and getting back a promise that resolves or gets rejected. But under the hood you get a configurable number of websockets providing your application with much less overhead in terms of connection handshake.

Furthermore one can send-off messages using a topic and receive answers to the topics by observers to come up with a more loosely coupled application architecture.


  • Only 2KB gzipped
  • Small API, easy to grasp
  • no-trap in, can be used with other libs in conjunction

How to use


bower install lambdaroyal-autobahn


One websocket, no callbacks on state transitions

var autobahn = new Autobahn("ws://");

Or a bit more elaborated - four websockets, callback for global transitions changes and check for dead-ends every 500ms

var autobahn = new Autobahn("ws://", {lanes: 4, maintainanceInterval: 500, stateCallback: function(state) {
    console.log("[autobahn] transiate to state " + state);

Synchronous call

autobahn.sync("foo").then(function(data) {
  console.log("received message in time: " + data);

Synchronous call with error forwarding

  .then(function(data) {
    console.log("received message in time: " + data);
  .catch(function(msg) {

Async publishing

to a topic named foo



to all incoming messages to a topic named foo

autobahn.sub("foo", function(data) {
    console.log("received message on topic foo: " + data);


closes all open websockets


Init parameters

init parameters are provided to the new instance as a Javascript Map. The following ones are considered:

  • debug (true) log debug messages to browser console
  • syncTimeout (2000) timeout (ms) related to sync calls
  • lanes (1) number of parallel websocket to be opened, actual max. number is browser-dependend
  • reconnectInterval (1000) The number of milliseconds to delay before attempting to reconnect after a close event. */
  • maintainanceInterval (2000) The number of milliseconds between two maintainance cycles where closed sockets are dumped and new sockets are established
  • protocols ("vlic") name(s) of the protocol used to initialize individual websockets
  • syncErrorCallback gets called when sync timeout occcures, can be used to inform log servers to get some failure stats. The lease (unique string representing the request) is passed to this function
  • stateCallback gets called when the global state changes
  • exceptionCallback gets called when an uncatched exception occurs during maintenance phase or when opening a websocket that would otherwise only result in a console log. the error message is passed to the function
  • statsOnSyncResponse gets called when responses on sync comm requests are received, accepts parameters ws and delay. [ws] denotes the websocket instance the response came in, [delay] denotes time in ms since request was spawned or undefined for responses that arrived after timeout
  • syncStarts (undefined) global callback that gets invoked right before a sync call is attempted to be sent via some websocket, the function can accept the request body as parameter
  • syncStops (undefined) global callback that gets invoked right after a sync call resolves or is rejected, the function can accept success as first and the response body as second parameter


get build dependencies

npm install



prepare publish by login-in

npm adduser

publish new version

npm publish




Package Sidebar


npm i lambdaroyal-autobahn

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FreeBSD License

Unpacked Size

37.4 kB

Total Files


Last publish


  • gixxi