
0.5.2 • Public • Published


Local Asynchronous Module Definition library

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lamd is an "offline" AMD implementation, designed to provide require and define methods for a local set of modules. require makes no remote calls, and expects everything to be defined by the corresponding define method.

lamd uses simple wrapper functions, along with setImmediate, to execute dependency factories and callbacks with decent performance (it used to use Promises). No timers or intervals are used, unless setImmediate is not available (make sure to polyfill for best performance!).


lamd was built as a result of experiences while working at Kiosked - Kiosked's front-end script bundles its entire library for delivery to the client, and makes use of AMD to define its modules. Because no modules are requested from remote sources, a clean form of local-style AMD was required.



You can define a module by doing the following:

define("my-module", function() {
	return {
		myMethod: function() {
			return true;

// or, for example:

define("my-module", ["my-dependency"], function(dep) {
	return function() {
		return dep();

define's method signature is define(id[, dependencies], callback), where:

  • id is the ID of the module, which is required
  • dependencies is an optional string or array or dependent module IDs
  • callback is a required callback function which takes the dependent module outputs as parameters


require can be viewed as the same as the define method, but without an ID.

require's method signature is require(dependencies[, callback]), where:

  • dependencies is a string or array of required module outputs
  • callback is a callback function which takes the required dependency outputs as parameters

require can return the defined module instance if it's ready: simply require only 1 module and do not provide a callback:

var MyModule = require("MyModule");

require will return undefined if the module is not ready. Remember that define works asynchronously.

Using this library

lamd writes lamd to the global object (or current context), so you can access its methods like so:

lamd.define 		// Function
lamd.require 		// Function
lamd.setImmediate   // Function

lamd's setImmediate may resolve to setTimeout(fn, 0) if a setImmediate polyfill is not available. I recommend using this one by YuzuJS.



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  • perrymitchell