const mix = require('laravel-mix');
const min = mix.inProduction() ? '.min' : '';
mix.js(`src/js/scripts.js`, `assets/js/scripts${min}.js`);
// OS Notification
mix.notification('Notification Title', 'NOTIFICATION_ICON_PATH'); // Example: global.Mix.paths.root('images/icon.png')
// File Banner
mix.banner('Banner Text for every js and css file');
// WP Translation
mix.translation('Package Title', 'text-domain');
// Some WP Tasks
// Create Package
mix.package('File/Directory List with new line'); // Will run on: npm run package
// Full API
// mix.alias({
// '@': path.join(__dirname, 'resources/js')
// });
// mix.js(src, output);
// mix.react(src, output); <-- Identical to mix.js(), but registers React Babel compilation.
// mix.preact(src, output); <-- Identical to mix.js(), but registers Preact compilation.
//, output); <-- Identical to mix.js(), but registers CoffeeScript compilation.
// mix.ts(src, output); <-- TypeScript support. Requires tsconfig.json to exist in the same folder as webpack.mix.js
// mix.extract(vendorLibs);
// mix.sass(src, output);
// mix.less(src, output);
// mix.stylus(src, output);
// mix.postCss(src, output, [require('postcss-some-plugin')()]);
// mix.browserSync('my-site.test');
// mix.combine(files, destination);
// mix.babel(files, destination); <-- Identical to mix.combine(), but also includes Babel compilation.
// mix.copy(from, to);
// mix.copyDirectory(fromDir, toDir);
// mix.minify(file);
// mix.sourceMaps(); // Enable sourcemaps
// mix.version(); // Enable versioning.
// mix.disableNotifications();
// mix.setPublicPath('path/to/public');
// mix.setResourceRoot('prefix/for/resource/locators');
// mix.autoload({
// jquery: ['$', 'window.jQuery']
// }); <-- Will be passed to Webpack's ProvidePlugin.
// mix.webpackConfig({}); <-- Override webpack.config.js, without editing the file directly.
// mix.babelConfig({}); <-- Merge extra Babel configuration (plugins, etc.) with Mix's default.
// mix.then(function () {}) <-- Will be triggered each time Webpack finishes building.
// mix.dump(); <-- Dump the generated webpack config object to the console.
// mix.extend(name, handler) <-- Extend Mix's API with your own components.
// mix.options({
// extractVueStyles: false, // Extract .vue component styling to file, rather than inline.
// globalVueStyles: file, // Variables file to be imported in every component.
// processCssUrls: true, // Process/optimize relative stylesheet url()'s. Set to false, if you don't want them touched.
// purifyCss: false, // Remove unused CSS selectors.
// terser: {}, // Terser-specific options.
// postCss: [] // Post-CSS options:
// });