npm i larvitfiles;
const FileLib = require('larvitfiles');
const db = require('larvitdb');
const fs = require('fs');
db.setup(conf); // Only needed once per script. See for details
const fileLib = new FileLib({
db: db,
storagePath: '/tmp/larvitfiles',
// All below settings are optional, and their default is whats shown here
log: new (new (require('larvitutils'))).Log(),
prefix: '/dbfiles/'
await fileLib.ready(); // Not needed to run actions, but no action will start until this is returning true
fs.readFile('/some/file.txt', function (err, data) {
let file;
if (err) throw err;
const file = await{
slug: 'slug/foo/bar.txt',
data: data,
metadata: {metadata1: 'metavalue1', metadata2: ['multiple', 'values']}, // optional, will erase previous metadata if left blank
//uuid: uuid() - optional
console.log('file saved with uuid: ' + file.uuid);
console.log('metadata: ' + JSON.stringify(file.metadata));
console.log('slug: ' + file.slug);
By default .save() will not accept a duplicate slug without also supplying a matching uuid.
If the below script is ran when a file with the slug "slug/foo/bar.txt" already exists in the database, this will throw an error.
const file = await{
slug: 'slug/foo/bar.txt',
data: Buffer.from('någe')
To overwrite the existing file, on the same uuid, use option "updateMatchingSlug":
const file = await{
slug: 'slug/foo/bar.txt',
data: Buffer.from('någe'),
updateMatchingSlug: true // Defaults to false
const file = await fileLib.get({slug: 'slug/foo/bar.txt'});
// or
const file = await fileLib.get({uuid: 'uuid of file'});
console.log('file saved with uuid: ' + file.uuid);
console.log('metadata: ' + JSON.stringify(file.metadata));
console.log('slug: ' + file.slug);
// file data in
fileLib.rm(await fileLib.uuidFromSlug('slog/foo/bar.txt'));
console.log('File is now removed from storage');
const files = await fileLib.list();
console.log(result); // Array of objects with uuid, slugs and metadata, but NOT file data as values.
// This will only return files with metadata
// 1) "foo" = "bar" (and possibly other values as well)
// and
// 2) "zoo" = anything
const options = {
filter: {
metadata: {
foo: 'bar',
zoo: true
operator: 'and' // or 'or'. 'and' is default
const files = await fileLib.list(options);
console.log(files); // Array of objects with uuid, slugs and metadata, but NOT file data as values.
And if several values should exist on a single metadata do this:
// This will only return files with metadata
// 1) "foo" = "bar" (and possibly other values as well)
// and
// 2) "foo" = "baz" (and possibly other values as well)
const options = {
filter: {
metadata: {
foo: ['bar', 'baz']
const files = await fileLib.list(options);
console.log(files); // Array of objects with uuid, slugs and metadata, but NOT file data as values.