
1.1.4 • Public • Published


A plugin that adds visual feedback when user clicks/taps the map. Useful for when you have a delay on the clickEvents for async fetching of data, or implementation of Leaflet.singleclick - or just because it looks great :)

Screencapture GIF


  • npm install - This will download dependencies, and run a build upon completion

Run the demo

  • Open up the demo/demo.html file in a browser and watch the magic!

Copy files

After install, files should be generated in the dist folder Copy these files and include them as you normally would

That's it

  • it should work now :)

Browser compatibility

Uses CSS3 animations, so basically follows this table: http://caniuse.com/#search=animation

Tested in

  • Chrome 45 @ OSX
  • Safari 8.0.7 @ OSX
  • Firefox 41.01 @ OSX
  • IE10 @ Windows 8
  • IE11 @ Windows 8.1
  • Chrome 45 @ iPhone iOS 9
  • Safari @ iPhone iOS 9

Behaviour is bugged in IE10 due to the lack of pointer-events: none in CSS. This means that the decoration added by this plugin will catch events meant for whatever overlay might be underneath the clicked point. This is worked around by using a map pane between the tiles pane and the overlays pane (but of course this means overlays will overlap the visual click effect).


There are some options you can configure if you really need to. Here's an example:

    map = L.map('map',{
      //visualClick: false, //can be disabled
      //visualClickMode: 'touch', //A default detection is done, but you can override...
      visualClickEvents: 'click contextmenu' //can be multiple space-seperated events, like 'click', 'contextmenu', 'dblclick'...
      //visualClickPane: 'shadowPane'


  • run npm start - this should fire the build process and also start a watcher that re-compiles if you change the source files

Package Sidebar


npm i leaflet.visualclick

Weekly Downloads






Last publish


  • ivansanchez