leveldb with bytewise key encodings and bytewise friendly sublevels.
Ie. a "batteries included" distribution of levelup
that has friendly key sorting and sublevels that work with bytewise encodings.

This module is installed via npm:
$ npm install level-bytewise
Example Usage (put and get)
var levelBytewise = require('level-bytewise');
var db = levelBytewise('/tmp/path-to-db')
var users = db.sublevel('users');
users.put(['eugene'], { color: 'black' }, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
users.get(['eugene'], function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
Example Usage (build and index on color)
var levelBytewise = require('level-bytewise'),
timestamp = require('monotonic-timestamp');
var db = levelBytewise('/tmp/path-to-db')
var users = db.sublevel('users');
var colors = db.sublevel('colors');
users.pre(function (change, add, batch) {
key: [change.value.color, timestamp()],
value: change.key,
prefix: colors
users.put(['eugene'], { color: 'black' }, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
.on('data', console.log);