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A sequence of strings that are lexicographically ordered and grow slowly.

npm i --save lex-sequence


This library provides a sequence of strings that are lexicographically ordered (in order by <) and grow slowly (a few 1-char strings, then some 2-char strings, then many 3-char strings, etc.).

For example, the base-10 sequence is

"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "50", "51", "52", ..., "73", "74", "750", "751", ...

There are 5 length-1 strings, 5^2 length-2 strings, 5^3 length-3 strings, etc. So the n-th string is only as long as the base-5 encoding of n. (For more short strings, you can use a base larger than 10.)

Additional properties:

  • No string is a prefix of another. E.g., we skip from "4" to "50" without emitting "5".
  • The strings are internally represented as numbers; these numbers are in numeric order, in addition to lexicographic order. (You obtain strings by encoding those numbers in the chosen base.)

Q & A

  1. Why not ordinary integers?

    • They are not lexicographically ordered: "10" < "2".
  2. Why not fixed-length strings? ("000", "001", "002", ..., "999")

    • That limits you to a fixed number of strings, instead of an indefinite number. Also, the first few strings (which you'll probably use most often) are more than one char long.
  3. What might I use this library for?

    • Naming file versions so that they show up in order.
    • Encoding a timestamp-plus-tiebreaker as a lexicographically-ordered string `${sequence(timestamp, BASE)}-${tiebreaker}`, so that you can sort by this single field. (E.g., Lamport timestamps with a process ID tiebreaker.)
    • I use it in list-positions's lexicographicString function, to assign slowly-growing strings to sequential positions.


It's a good idea to specify your base as a constant:

import {
} from "lex-sequence";

const BASE = 10;

sequence(n, BASE) returns the n-th entry in the sequence as an integer, which you can then BASE encode:

for (let n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
  console.log(sequence(n, BASE).toString(BASE));
// Prints "0", "1", ..., "4", "50", ..., "74", "750", ..., "819"

sequenceInv(seq, BASE) converts a sequence member back to its index:

console.log(sequenceInv(819, BASE)); // Prints 99

"Safe" version that will return -1 instead of throwing an error, if seq is not a valid sequence member:

console.log(sequenceInvSafe(5, BASE) === -1); // Prints true

successor(seq, BASE) is a fast way to go from sequence(n, BASE) to sequence(n + 1, BASE):

let seq = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  seq = successor(seq, BASE);
// Prints "0", "1", ..., "4", "50", ..., "74", "750", ..., "819"


  • BASE must even and >= 4. For a base-2 (binary) sequence, binary-encode the numbers from the base-4 sequence.
  • The BASE encoding of sequence(n, BASE) is always as long as the BASE/2 encoding of n.
  • You can use any alphabet to encode numbers as strings, so long as it consists of BASE chars and they are in lexicographic order. E.g., you can use base64 chars in the non-standard, lexicographic ordering +/0-9A-Za-z.
  • lexicographic-integer implements the same idea, but only in base 16 or 256, with strings that are generally a bit longer than ours.
  • The sequence is as follows, with examples in base 10:
    1. Starting with 0, enumerate BASE/2 numbers. (0, 1, ..., 4.)
    2. Add 1, multiply by BASE, then enumerate (BASE/2)^2 numbers. (50, 51, ..., 74.)
    3. Add 1, multiply by BASE, then enumerate (BASE/2)^3 numbers. (750, 751, ..., 874.)
    4. Repeat this pattern indefinitely, enumerating (BASE/2)^d length-d numbers for each d >= 1. Imagining a decimal place in front of each number, each d consumes 2^(-d) of the unit interval, so we never "reach 1" (overflow to d+1 digits when we meant to use d digits).
  • I have not found an existing source describing this sequence, but the binary-encoded base-4 sequence is similar to Elias gamma coding.



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  • mweidner037