TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.3.3 • Public • Published

This is the official library used to create Xbox One saved game editors for Vantage.

Pull requests are very welcome!

Crypto API

  • alder32(buffer: Buffer, initial?: number): number
  • crc32(buffer: Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, seed?: number): number
  • fnv0(value: string, init: number, prime: number): number


  • card - Hosts all other components.
    • <card label="God Mode"><!-- component --></card>
  • v-button - Just a button.
    • <v-button click.trigger="increaseHealth()">Increase Health</v-button>
  • v-switch - A switch with an on or off state.
    • <v-switch value.bind="unlimitedAmmo"></v-switch>
  • v-text - A text input.
    • <v-text value.bind="squadName"></v-text>
  • v-number - Numeric input with - and + buttons.
    • <v-number value.bind="ammo" min="0" max="100"></v-number>
  • v-slider - Number slider with value label.
    • <v-slider value.bind="gravity" min="0" max="10" step="0.1"></v-slider>
  • v-selection - A combo box/selection input.
    • <v-selection value.bind="color" options.bind="[{value: 'blue', label: 'Blue'}, {value: 'red', label: 'Red'}]"></v-selection>
  • v-tree - Host named components in an expandable tree.
    • <v-tree nodes.bind="nodes"></v-tree> See below for usage

Tree Component

The tree component (v-tree) is an expandable list of other components. It supports all the other inputs provided by the library (button, switch, text, number, slider, selection). The tree is rendered using an array of TreeNode objects that you bind to nodes.

Here's a basic example of a Player Stats node that expands to reveal a Health slider.:

this.nodes = [
    name: "Player Stats",
    nodes: [
        name: "Health",
        component: {
          type: "slider",
          value: player.currentHealthValue,
          min: 0,
          max: 100000,
          step: 100,

The value can use computed properties if required:

component: {
  get value(): number {
    return player.currentHealthValue * 10;
  set value(health: number) {
    player.currentHealthValue = health / 10;

Value Converters


  • pluck - Get an array of property values of the given objects.
    • weapons | pluck:'name'
  • take - Get the first n elements of an array.
    • inventory | take:5
  • sort - Sort an array by the given property.
    • weapons | sort:'name'


  • formatNumber - Format a number with commas.
    • gold | formatNumber
  • byteFormat - Convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, etc.
    • bytes | byteFormat


  • objectKeys - Get an array of an object's own property names.
    • dvars | objectKeys


Stream is a wrapper around Node's Buffer class that makes reading and writing to Buffers less verbose. See stream.ts for implementation details.

Miscellaneous and Internal

  • setEditor(editor: SaveEditor) - Set the editor implementation used by Vantage. This is done by main.ts in the Editor Skeleton.
  • openDevTools() - Open Chrome's dev tools. This is done automatically by Vantage in development mode. You can also press Ctrl + Shift + D.




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