A command line util to locally test NodeJS web apps with Lie-Fi and bad connection quality! This utility comes in handy when developing offline-first web applications!
First install the package globally using npm install lie-fi -g
in the terminal and then browse your application folder and type in the terminal:
lie-fi app.js -c lie-fi -p 3000
A server on the port 3000 will start with your express/NodeJS http server and will emulate a Lie-Fi connection.
app.js (or any file at your choice) must not call app.listen(...)
, but instead must export the app object that should start listening.
So you can replace app.listen(...)
with module.exports = app
The command line format is the following:
lie-fi [js_file_exporting_server_without_listening].js -c [offline|lie-fi|slow|perfect] -p [port]
Thanks to jakearchibald, who gave the idea and the basic code to setup this easily reusable library!