Yet another debouncer
Debounce: As long as it proceeds to be invoked/called, it will not be triggered or will be under specifi circumstances.
Install via NPM:
npm install light-debouncer
// You can pass any kind of arguments to the trigger to be bounced with simple-debouncer.
const my_simple_debouncer = debounce.simple(BOUNCE_INTERVAL, trigger)
// You can group each series of tiggers with a same key to be bounced during a specific interval with timer-debouncer.
const my_timer_debouncer = debounce.timer(BOUNCE_INTERVAL, trigger)
// You can group each series of tiggers with a same key to be bounced during over the specific limit with counter-debouncer.
const my_counter_debouncer = debounce.counter(BOUNCE_LIMIT, trigger)
// You can group each series of tiggers with a same key to be bounced over the mixed circumstances with mixed-debouncer.
const my_mixed_debouncer = debounce.mixed(BOUNCE_INTERVAL, BOUNCE_LIMIT, trigger)
// You can group each series of customized-tiggers with a same key to be bounced over the mixed circumstances with convoy-debouncer.
const my_convoy_debouncer = debounce.convoy(BOUNCE_INTERVAL, BOUNCE_LIMIT, trigger)
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.