Lightweight OPC Client
Install using NPM
npm install lightweight-opc-client
or using Yarn
yarn add lightweight-opc-client
Require lightWeightOPCClient to your code.
const { lightWeightOPCClient } = require('lightweight-opc-client');
Then configure the params. The result will displayed on console. You can also store the value to MySQL database.
name | description | type | required? | example |
endpointUrl | URL to OPC server | string | yes | opc.tcp:// |
nodeId | OPC node ID | string | yes | ns=2;s=sample-NODE-ID |
applicationName | your application name you want | string | optional. Default: MyApp | "MyApp" |
infinite | set monitoring to infinite | boolean | optional. Default: false | true |
monitorTime | set how long device (in milisecond) to be monitored if infinite is set to false | number | Optional. Default: 10000 | 10000 |
databaseConfigs | connect to database if you want save the data to databae | object | Optional | { host: 'databasehost', user: 'username', password: 'your-password', database: 'sample_db' } |
tableName | the name of the table to store the data in database | string | Yes, if databaseConfigs exists | sample_table |
fieldName | the name of the field to store the data in database | string | Yes, if databaseConfigs exists | sample_field |
timestampField | field that receive timestamp value | string | Yes, if databaseConfigs exists. Default: created_at | created_at |
const { lightWeightOPCClient } = require('lightweight-opc-client');
const databaseConfigs = {
host: 'databasehost',
user: 'username',
password: 'your-password',
database: 'ems_data',
const endpointUrl = 'opc.tcp://';
const nodeId = 'ns=2;s=sample-NODE-ID';
const fieldName = 'value';
const tableName = 'test_table';
const timestampField = 'created_at';
applicationName: 'UV Lamp No. 3',
infinite: true,
monitorTime: 10 * 1000,