A Node.js package to read a file line by line and extract lines based on a regex match. By default, It returns every line.
Install my-project with npm
npm install line-reader-regex
const readLinesWithRegex = require('line-reader-regex');
const filePath = 'path/to/your/large/file.txt';
const regex = /your-regex/;
// Without async-await (.then() chaining)
readLinesWithRegex(filePath, regex)
.then((lines) => {
console.log("Matching lines:", lines);
.catch((err) => {
console.error("Error reading file:", err);
// With async-await
const readFileAsync = async () => {
const data = await readLinesWithRegex(filePath, regex);
console.log("🚀 data:", data);
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at jarvisfranklinthaker@gmail.com