You can find the library on npmjs
What is that ?
A simple library for creating gradient-filled texts.
How to use ?
npm i linear-gradient-text
In html just add a simple class...
...and configure it in javascript
import { gradientText } from 'linear-gradient-text';
primaryColor: '#323',
secondaryColor: '#e2e',
direction: 'bottom',
Of course, please specify your own properties as a value.
lineargradienttext supports 3 options, each of which is optional.
- primaryColor - '#color' (Defaults to #fff (white))
- secondaryColor - '#color' (Defaults to #000 (black))
- direction - 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' (Defaults to bottom)*
* - Read the important section
When using a single word that has display by default: block. The gradient works but fills all available space. It is then recommended to use display: inline.
This problem only affects left and right directions.