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1.2.6 • Public • Published


Get Public Live EVM RPC url easily.


  1. Via NPM : npm i live-evm-rpc
  2. Via Yarn : yarn add live-evm-rpc


  1. CJS : const { getPublicRpc, testRpc, getLiveRpc, getBestLiveRpc } = require('live-evm-rpc')
  2. ESM : import { getPublicRpc, testRpc, getLiveRpc, getBestLiveRpc } from 'live-evm-rpc'

A. getPublicRpc

    import { getPublicRpc } from 'live-evm-rpc';
    // if use commonjs use this :
    // const { getPublicRpc } = require('live-evm-rpc');

    // example chain
    const chain = 1;

    // example function for test
    async function test(){
        console.log(await getPublicRpc(chain));

    // result will be like
    // [
    //      '',
	// 	    '',
    //      ...
    // ]

B. testRpc

    import { testRpc } from 'live-evm-rpc';
    // if use commonjs use this :
    // const { testRpc } = require('live-evm-rpc');

    // example function for test
    async function test(){
        console.log(await testRpc(''));
        // or you can set custom timeout will be like, default timeout is 1500ms
        // console.log(await testRpc('', 3000));

    // result will be like
    // {
    //     isSyncing: false,
    //     lastBlock: 19089064,
    //     chainId: 1,
    //     ms: 621,
    //     url: ''
    // }

    // if syncing, result will be like
    // {
    //     isSyncing: true,
    //     lastBlock: 19089064,
    //     chainId: 1,
    //     ms: 621,
    //     url: ''
    // }

    // if timeout, result will be like
    // {
    //     isSyncing: true,
    //     lastBlock: 'unknown',
    //     chainId: 'unknown',
    //     ms: 621,
    //     url: ''
    // }

    // if partial timeout, result will be like
    // {
    //     isSyncing: false,
    //     lastBlock: 19089064,
    //     chainId: 'unknown',
    //     ms: 621,
    //     url: ''
    // }
    // or
    // {
    //     isSyncing: true,
    //     lastBlock: 'unknown',
    //     chainId: 1,
    //     ms: 621,
    //     url: ''
    // }

C. getLiveRpc

    import { getLiveRpc } from 'live-evm-rpc';
    // if use commonjs use this :
    // const { getLiveRpc } = require('live-evm-rpc');

    // example chain
    const chain = 1;

    // example function for test
    async function test(){
        console.log(await getLiveRpc(chain));
        // or you can set custom timeout will be like, default timeout is 1500ms
        // console.log(await getLiveRpc(1, {timeout: 3000}));
        // or you can set custom rpc if you have premium rpc
        // console.log(await getLiveRpc(
        //     1, {rpcs: ['']}
        // ));

    // result will be like
    // [
    //     {
    //         isSyncing: false,
    //         lastBlock: 19089064,
    //         chainId: 1,
    //         ms: 621,
    //         url: ''
    //     },
    //     {
    //         isSyncing: false,
    //         lastBlock: 19089064,
    //         chainId: 1,
    //         ms: 1107,
    //         url: ''
    //     },
    //     ...
    // ]

    // if no live rpc detected, result will be like
    // []

D. getBestLiveRpc

    import { getLiveRpc } from 'live-evm-rpc';
    // if use commonjs use this :
    // const { getBestLiveRpc } = require('live-evm-rpc');

    // example chain
    const chain = 1;

    // example function for test
    async function test(){
        console.log(await getBestLiveRpc(chain));
        // or you can set custom timeout will be like, default timeout is 1500ms
        // console.log(await getBestLiveRpc(1, {timeout: 3000}));
        // or you can set custom rpc if you have premium rpc
        // console.log(await getBestLiveRpc(
        //     1, {rpcs: ['']}
        // ));

    // result will be like
    // {
    //     isSyncing: false,
    //     lastBlock: 19089064,
    //     chainId: 1,
    //     ms: 621,
    //     url: ''
    // }

    // if no live rpc detected, result will be like
    // []

E. listSupportedChainId

    import { listSupportedChainId } from 'live-evm-rpc';
    // if use commonjs use this :
    // const { listSupportedChainId } = require('live-evm-rpc');

    // example function for test
    async function test(){

    // result will be like
    // [1, 2, 5, 7, 8 ....]

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