DEPRECATED: Use @hammerhq/localization
✨ Locale Parser by barbarbar338
- This is a YAML based localisation system that will make your job quite easy
- Just create your language folder and seperate everything in files
- Set your constants in
and apply to everything
💡 Example
import { I18n } from "locale-parser";
directory?: string;
defaultLocale: string;
const parser = new I18n({
defaultLocale: "en"
parser.getLocales(); // => [ "en", "tr" ];
parser.getConstant(); // => all constants;
parser.getConstant("owner"); // => "owner" constant;
parser.toJSON(); // => all language data in an object
parser.toJSON({ arg: "this is an argument"}); // => all language data in an object with argument replaced
parser.get("en", "info", "test"); // "test" string in "info" section in "en" folder
parser.get("tr", "messages", "message", { arg: "this is an argument"}); // "message" string in "messages" section in "tr" folder with "arg" argument
📝 File Structure
owner: barbarbar338
site: ""
anotherConstant: this is a constant
withConstant: this string uses %{owner} constant
withArgs: this string uses %{argument} argument and %{anotherArgument} argument
withConstantsAndArguments: this string uses %{simpleArgument} argument and %{site} constant
📁 Folder Structure
📂 locales/
├─── 📝 constants.yaml
├─── 📂 en
│ ├─── 📝 info.yaml
│ ├─── 📝 messages.yaml
│ └─── 📝 test.yaml
└─── 📂 tr
├─── 📝 info.yaml
├─── 📝 messages.yaml
└─── 📝 test.yaml