lodash-x is based on lodash and extends some new functions. Download and use:
npm install lodash-x
var _ = require('lodash-x');
//use all lodash functions and extended functions
- isInvalidValue
- compressObject
- getType
- isInvalidValue:
- getType:
_.getType(new Date());//'date'
- compressObject:
var o = _.compressObject({
a: ' hello ',
b: null,
c: undefined,
d: new Date(2014, 5, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999),
e: '',
f: [null, undefined, {}, NaN, '', [], 'f'],
j: {
h: [null, undefined, {}, NaN, '', [], 'h'],
i: '',
g: {
k: {
l: {
m: 10,
n: null
/* the output like belove
a: 'hello',
d: new Date(2014, 5, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999),
f: ['f'],
j: {
h: ['h'],
g: {
k: {
l: {
m: 10