
1.0.1 • Public • Published

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Simple colored logger module with levels of logging and semantic output.

const logger = new Logiks({
    level: 'debug',
    colors: true,
logger.error('System', 'Component', 'Message')
> 2017-11-30 20:03:35 [System] [Component] Message

Signature semantics

Logger can take up to 4 different positional arguments-groupings:

    system: string,
    component: string',
    subCategory: string,
    message: string',

Note that message argument will appear anyway and if nth argument missed it means that n-1th argu,ent is message argument. Let assume we have code like bellow:

logger.special('Payments started');
logger.info('API', 'Payments', 'Performing payments');
/* ...*/
const response = {status: '200', confirmationHash:'d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb'};
logger.info.json('API', 'Payments', 'v3.2', 'Payments was performed', response);

The output will be:

2018-09-02 02:55:27 Payments started!
2018-09-02 02:01:12 [API] [Payments] Performing payments
2018-09-02 02:01:39 [API] [Payments] (v3.2) Payments was performed
2018-09-02 02:01:39 ───┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2018-09-02 02:01:39 0  │ {
2018-09-02 02:01:39 1  │   "status": "200",
2018-09-02 02:01:39 2  │   "confirmationHash": "d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb"
2018-09-02 02:01:39 3  │ }
2018-09-02 02:01:39 ───┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────


You can create logger instance already with grouping curried with:

  1. In configuration.Look at config groupings.
  2. With methods .withSystem, .withComponent and .withSubcat.


Option Description Default
colors Should use colors false
level Log level. Look levels info
date Should every message line prefixed with date or not true
levels Levels description and priorities. Index in table is priority, and value is a array where 1st element is name of level and second is a coloring function.
    ['silly', chalk.white],
    ['debug', chalk.green],
    ['info', chalk.magenta],
    ['warning', chalk.yellow],
    ['error', chalk.red],
    ['special', chalk.cyan.underline],
    ['critical', chalk.red.underline.bold],


All is null by default

component (requires system>/td>
subCat (requires component>


json.maxLength Max length of lines in json message. JSON will be stringified counting this option. 64
json.maxRowLength Max line length in json message, if symbols count exceeded it will be striped by ... process.stdout.columns - 5
json.defaultColor Default coloring function of messages in json chalk.rgb(167, 101, 121)


Levels are prioritized entities to separate log messages by semantic. You can cover yout code with logging different depth and if you want to run your app on production mode you will not see debug log level. These are default log levels of Logiks:

  • silly: chalk.white
  • debug: chalk.green
  • info: chalk.magenta
  • warning: chalk.yellow
  • error: chalk.red
  • special: chalk.cyan.underline
  • critical: chalk.red.underline.bold


Every level logging function has .json property.

logger.warning.json('API', 'Payments', 'v3.2', 'Health check failed', {"reward":128.23,"instances":2,"availableApis":[{"host":"","port":8888},{"host":"","port":8889}],"healthCheck":false})

Will produce:

2018-09-01 10:58:16 [API] [Payments] (v3.2) Health check failed
2018-09-01 10:58:16 ───┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2018-09-01 10:58:16 0  │ {
2018-09-01 10:58:16 1  │   "reward": 128.23,
2018-09-01 10:58:16 2  │   "instances": 2,
2018-09-01 10:58:16 3  │   "availableApis": [
2018-09-01 10:58:16 4  │     { "host": "", "port": 8888 },
2018-09-01 10:58:16 5  │     { "host": "", "port": 8889 }
2018-09-01 10:58:16 6  │   ],
2018-09-01 10:58:16 7  │   "healthCheck": false
2018-09-01 10:58:16 8  │ }
2018-09-01 10:58:16 ───┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

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  • zefirka