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Lolita Color Special 5 Fixed


Lolita is a very powerful work of literature, but its having a completely different effect on the reader than the narrative of the memoirs; the memoirs produced something of a Platonic ideal, the love that wasn t really true, which is a very interesting and important revelation, the recognition of the appearance, but the Lolita is not an appearance. Lolita is real, she is a human person and you get to know her a little bit and you see that she has something that is special and a little bit mysterious about her. It makes you see that human beings are

Nabokov carries the Romantic tradition into the next generation. Lolita is a brilliant young woman who has acquired all the charm and grace that went to make the Venus of Medici a great painting. On her first day at the Humbert home she brings him her virginal beauty along with her unprecedented intelligence. Although he has never even seen a real vagina, he senses that hers is the most exquisite that he has ever imagined. He takes her first, innocent shower with him, and then after a few weeks, the beautiful Lolita also has her first, innocent lovemaking with the adult Humbert. It is the most innocent that can be imagined and yet there is something dark and secret about it, something that is perhaps less innocent and more passionate than anything that was previously experienced. After a few months he is ready to bring her to the United States, away from the ever-present gaze of the censors that are part of the culture he knows so well. Throughout the novel, Lolita is surrounded by music and she has a choice between an orchestra of people to bring her pleasure and the music of several mandolins that accompany her all the time. But in the end, she is a figure who is moving towards death. She is a pure object of love, it is not sex for fun, it is not perversion; she is death. 84d34552a1

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