The LumiCore library is an implementation of tools for working with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Vault, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Binance and Xinfin Network. It allows to create and work with mnemonic following the BIP39 standard, to run the private/public keys derivation tree following the BIP44 standard and sign transactions.
Work of this module has been tested in applications at the Vue.js. You can find it here.
Note: Node version >= 10.19.0
You can install the package via npm
npm install lumi-web-core
Or via yarn:
yarn add lumi-web-core
Warning! Do not use the mnemonic, keys, and addresses provided in this readme for real transactions!
Import the module and create a new class:
// typical import
import Wallet from 'lumi-web-core'
const WALLET = new Wallet()
You can create a new wallet by calling the method createNew(count)
. Count is the number of words for the new mnemonic.
By default it is 12. It can be also 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 words.
// Create a new wallet
const CORE = await WALLET.createNew(15)
You can create a wallet based on an existing mnemonic, where mnemonic is a string consisting of words and spaces:
// Create wallet by new mnemonic
const CORE = await WALLET.createByMnemonic('ramp grief anger ... olive main into throw')
Or xprv key:
// Create wallet by xprv key
const CORE = await WALLET.createByKey('xprv9s21ZrQH143K49Xa838YbhNq...VtL5sLB9JsijRG51jHjuUSDVfDXPh5PFYNTqQ')
Example of the returned core:
mnemonic: "ramp grief anger ... olive main into throw",
xprv: "xprv9s21ZrQH143K49Xa838YbhNq...VtL5sLB9JsijRG51jHjuUSDVfDXPh5PFYNTqQ",
from: "mnemonic",
hdkey: Object,
seed: Uint8Array(64),
seedInHex: "1f53c65842ed3d0c54052f7f7315dbd9dcb...4af426ffb27234a0a571c44e29c1f4d1b181082e62d0a39"
After that, call the createCoinsCores()
method to create cores for specific currencies.
const coins = [
{coin: 'BTC', type: 'p2pkh'},
{coin: 'BTC', type: 'p2wpkh'},
{coin: 'ETH', type: 0},
{coin: 'BCH'},
{coin: 'BTCV'},
{coin: 'DOGE'},
{coin: 'LTC'},
{coin: 'BNB'}
const CORES = await WALLET.createCoins(coins)
=> {
BTC: {
p2pkh: {
externalNode: Object,
internalNode: Object,
externalAddress: "1PtMtCbtgb...bivNJU5Ww3bvF3",
internalAddress: "1LvXQnwCeq...GyfMNtxpyEd3Hx",
dp: {external: "m/44'/0'/0'/0", internal: "m/44'/0'/0'/1"}
p2wpkh: {
externalNode: Object,
internalNode: Object,
externalAddress: "bc1qyluu9yjfw6...xjfjy0ht8hszx",
internalAddress: "bc1qnk6r09q97m...w9vme4zjvpct0",
dp: {external: "m/84'/0'/0'/0", internal: "m/84'/0'/0'/1"}
ETH: {
0: {
dp: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0",
externalAddress: "0xcf06fa556d8ad...cc285e2b7bdf58c58",
node: Object,
privateKey: Buffer,
privateKeyHex: "0xb1f8f5df78d5a00d...6b222e54ee8abbfe6af",
publicKey: Buffer,
p2wpkh: {
dp: {external: "m/84'/440'/0'/0", internal: "m/84'/440'/0'/1"},
externalAddress: "royale1q2cy79nu...am6t5svnvt9d62",
externalNode: Object,
internalAddress: "royale1qe9286wc4...tlqxj9sz0t7m9dg5q",
internalNode: Object
BCH: {
p2pkh: {
dp: {external: "m/44'/145'/0'/0", internal: "m/44'/145'/0'/1"},
externalAddress: "1Nbi1Roep9...SeJKwQTdFESB",
externalNode: Object,
internalAddress: "1135Eji7Yoop...rKJmGFi2RyX",
internalNode: Object
p2pkh: {
dp: {external: "m/44'/3'/0'/0", internal: "m/44'/3'/0'/1"},
externalAddress: "DLXryK9F7k...BMrcqFMci",
externalNode: Object,
internalAddress: "DKqyuCkSYJXt...PxnYcUxM'",
internalNode: Object
LTC: {
p2wpkh: {
dp: {external: "m/84'/2'/0'/0", internal: "m/84'/2'/0'/1"},
externalAddress: "ltc1q35...tdk8nme",
externalNode: Object,
internalAddress: "ltc1qcjs2w...jh06jac",
internalNode: Object
BNB: {
p2pkh: {
node: Object,
privateKey: Buffer,
privateKeyHex: '036852f55d1b759...2de02c72a47fea1c592',
publicKey: Buffer,
publicKeyHex: '03ec67b0636efb9e543e..4d7b458e52d9dd301da99',
externalAddress: 'bnb1kd4kt7x505l...9qlxp7x365ld8fkt',
dp: 'm/44\'/714\'/0\'/0/0'
For BTC and ETH coins, the type parameter is required. For BTC, it can take the values p2pkh or p2wpkh (p2pkh by default). For ETH, the type parameter is set to the account number (0 by default).
You can get information about a child node using the method getChildNodes
const data = {
path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0",
from: 0,
to: 20,
coins: [
{coin: 'BTC', type: 'p2pkh'},
{coin: 'BTC', type: 'p2wpkh'},
{coin: 'ETH', type: 0},
{coin: 'BCH'},
{coin: 'BTCV'},
{coin: 'DOGE'},
{coin: 'LTC'}
{coin: 'BNB'}
const info = await WALLET.getChildNodes(data)
=> {
node: {
privateExtendedKey: "xprvA1CHKT9koKiKuhkeZ6XJxWXEQ1r...va4RtZfFmdYaQeNW72vX9q2DjMo3fsJwxCtkrVXyo2QP8",
publicExtendedKey: "xpub6EBdixgedhGd8Bq7f84KKeTxx3gYWQ...bn9YVZ8PVXb6tTnCWTorLQPKqRggvdzyHH1TkoR7vuz"
list: [
path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0",
privateKey: "KzwMNQ93Dt96Qg...mRpaBCmEXGH2Lpgr2dGZsV",
publicKey: "023b693fa7fa22e505...4cc450a463c024ab1e3ec526ba",
bchAddress: "bitcoincash:qqtne...l889v5ee6nawwvvx6t7mvkp",
btcvAddress: "royale1qzu70e44r...8eeet9xww5ltnnr6akytm",
ethAddress: "0xdd6f3cc0ed5f9...b09481090536e446ebd3",
p2pkhAddress: "137sbugaaqw3H...LZzNX3nTk1LDgCYd",
p2wpkhAddress: "bc1qzu70e44r...eet9xww5ltnnrm5mjxk",
dogeAddress: 'DS58JVRHdU...zuBNNVLFo4UaTn',
ltcAddress: 'ltc1...07g',
bnbAddress: 'bnb1hvw4qlty...7xm9g3fdsrcqzzkh'
this is a string with a derivation path. The path should begin with m/44'
is top of the range derivation
is end of the range derivation
is a list of currencies for which you need to generate addresses
- BCH transaction
- BNB transaction
- BTC transaction
- BTCV transaction
- DOGE transaction
- ETH transaction
- LTC transaction
- XDC transaction
Nist testing
Testing documentation.
Created using
- bip39
- bip39-checker
- bitcoinjs-lib
- @ethereumjs/tx
- ethereumjs-util
- hdkey
- wif
- worker-loader
- bitcore-lib-cash
- bchaddrjs
LumiCore is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.