The package is provided facilities and utilities based on react.
You can learning the M2 React & Redux architecture via visiting: https://app.yinxiang.com/fx/c541e662-a573-47e0-af9c-b98d4ca52714
- Install
npm install m2-reactyarn add m2-react
function Render the root component(s) with the param rootApp. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | rootApp | object | the root component(s)| |
// only for react app// only for redux app /* 有以下几种使用方式: */// 1. 不通过Redux Root组件渲染 // 2. 不通过Redux Root组件渲染,同时指定根节点(使用component属性) // 3. 通过Redux Root组件渲染 // 4. 通过Redux Root组件渲染多组件(使用components属性)
function Get the child component instance with the param refKey and parent. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | refKey | string | the ref key for child component | | 'child' | | parent | object | current component | | this |
Component { thischild = } { return <> <child-component ref="child"/> <child-component ref=thischild=el/> /* Recommend */ <child-component wrappedComponentRef=thischild=form/> </> }
function Initial the form component for extended on rc-form with the param component. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | component | object | current react component | | 'initialFormComponent(this)' |
Component { } { console } { return <div className="App"> <PickerItem label="Select District" data=district field="district" ...thisform/> <Button onClick=this>Submit</Button> </div> } AppForm
function Load the application router configuration with the param rootApp,childRoutes and context. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | rootApp | string | the root component | | 'App' | | childRoutes | array | the router configuration | | | | context | string | the context path | '/' | |
// 如增加新的业务模块,需在此注册// import authRouter from '@/features/auth/router' // 支持单一布局的配置(不需要单独配置layouts, 只需要App作为容器即可)const routes = routes routeType: 'hash' redirectUrl: '/auth' redirect404: '/404'
function Load the application router configuration based on multi-layout with the param layouts,childRoutes. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | layouts | array | the layouts configuration | | 'App' | | childRoutes | array | the router configuration | | |
// 如增加新的业务模块,需在此注册// import authRouter from '@/features/auth/router' // 支持多布局(需要配置layouts, 并在feature的router中根据需要设置layout即可)const routes = routes routeType: 'hash' // 路由类型('hash','browser') redirectUrl: '/auth' // 用户未通过登录认证导航的页面(一般指向登录页面) redirect404: '/404' // 当路由未找到匹配时导航的页面(一般指向404)
function Render the Routes based on router configuration with the param routesConfig,contextPath and configOptions. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | routesConfig | array | the routes configuration | | | | contextPath | string | the context path | '/' | | | configOptions | object | the extra options | { routeType: 'hash', checkIsAuth: ()=>{}, redirectUrl: '', redirect404: ''} | |
notes: the method is provided only for m2-redux to initialize Root component
function Create the hash/browser/memory history base react-router with the param routeType(default: 'hash'). #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | routeType | string | the route type | 'hash' | |getRouteParam
function Get the router param value with the param name,props. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | name | string | the route param name | | 'id' | | props | object | the component props | | |getRouteQueryParam
function Get the query string param value with the param name,props. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | name | string | the query string param name | | 'id' | | props | object | the component props | | |getParam
function Get the router and query string param value with the param name,props,query. #### | param | type | description | default | example | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | name | string | the route param name | | 'id' | | props | object | the component props | | | | query | boolean | if it is a query param | false | |
// <Route path='/products/:id'/>// http://xxx.com/products/123 // http://xxx.com/products?id=123 // 123 // 123 // 123