
1.0.107 • Public • Published

A Modern Nodejs Application Management and Blueprint Tool

Install Marie

Stable release

$ npm install marie -g

*npm is a built in CLI when you install Node.js -

Install Node.js

Create new App

$ marie add app-id
$ marie add "App name"
$ marie add "App name" scss jade
$ marie add "App name" less handlebars --coffee

Creates a custom Sails application with, a built-in file include system for easy bundle, and Bower for managing your frontend modules. Marie takes care of the implemention and configuration of it all, so you can focus on what's really important to you--- building your app that's going to change the world!
An app can be created with any combination of any of these css pre-processors, view template engines, javascript compilers and databases.

Application Management

Start an app

$ marie start app-id

Delete an app

$ marie remove app-id

Show app attributes

$ marie app-id list
$ marie app-id list path

Show app config

$ marie app-id list config
$ marie app-id list config name

Show app modules

$ marie app-id list module

Show 'save' app modules

$ marie app-id list module --save

Show 'dev' app modules

$ marie app-id list module --dev

Show 'frontend' app modules

$ marie app-id list module --frontend

Add a module to an app

$ marie app-id add module gulp --save
$ marie app-id add module gulp --dev
$ marie app-id add module backbone --frontend

Remove a module from an app

$ marie app-id remove module gulp --save
$ marie app-id remove module gulp --dev
$ marie app-id remove module backbone --frontend

Add an Api to an app

$ marie app-id add api post

Remove an Api from an app

$ marie app-id remove api post

Configure database storage

$ marie app-id set db disk
$ marie app-id set db mongodb some.mongodb.db.url
$ marie app-id set db mysql some.mysql.db.url
$ marie app-id set db postgresql some.postgresql.db.url
$ marie app-id set db redis some.redis.db.url

Then add apis that correspond to your database collecions or tables. For example, to view data from the 'post' collection or table of that database:

$ marie app-id add api post

Then in your browser, navigate to http://your-localhost-or-host-url/post

Utility Commands

Show all apps

$ marie list

Show live app

$ marie live

Stop live app

$ marie stop

Restart live app

$ marie restart

Show version

$ marie version

Display log

$ marie log

Clear log

$ marie log clear

Display help

$ marie help

Other Docs & Examples

GUI Clients

Mac OSX desktop app coming soon.


Marie is released under the MIT License


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