Extends the standard Github-Flavored tables to support advanced features:
- Column Spanning
- Row Spanning
- Multi-row headers
Easily denote cells that should span multiple columns by grouping multiple pipe |
characters at the end of the cell:
| H1 | H2 | H3 |
| This cell spans 3 columns |||
Easily denote cells that should span across the previous row by inserting a caret ^
character immediately before the closing pipes:
| H1 | H2 |
| This cell | Cell A |
| spans three ^| Cell B |
| rows ^| Cell C |
Cell contents across rows will be concatenated together with a single whitespace character
. Note that cells can only span multiple rows if they have the same column span.
Headers can now follow the same structure as cells, to include multiple rows, and also support row and column spans.
| This header spans two || Header A |
| columns *and* two rows ^|| Header B |
| Cell A | Cell B | Cell C |
const marked = require("marked");
const extendedTables = require("marked-extended-tables");
// or ES Module script
// import marked from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/markedjs/marked/lib/marked.esm.js";
// import this extension from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/calculuschild/marked-extended-tables/lib/index.mjs";
const html = marked.parse("| spanned header ||\n|----|----|\n|cell 1|cell 2|");
// <table>
// <thead>
// <tr><th colspan="2">spanned header</th></tr>
// </thead>
// <tbody>
// <tr><td>cell 1</td><td>cell 2</td></tr>
// </tbody>
// </table>