Lightweight markdown viewer.
- Only viewer.
- You may use any editor you like.
- Live reload.
- Re-render only changed elements.
- Possible to preview huge markdown while editing.
- Scroll position won't be changed while editing.
- Re-render only changed elements.
- Search text.
- With regular expression.
- Load local images.
- Open a link to markdown in this application.
- Download zipped file from latest release and unzip it.
- Double click Markn/
Consists of awesome modules.
- atom/electron-based application.
- Render HTML with facebook/react.
- Generate react elements from markdown AST with mizchi/md2react.
- Generate markdown AST from markdown with wooorm/mdast.
- Watch file with paulmillr/chokidar.
- Style with sindresorhus/github-markdown-css.
- Render some icons in FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.
- Render emoji with Ranks/emojione.
- Highlight code with isagalaev/highlight.js