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1.1.0 • Public • Published


Math with all the necessary polyfills and additional functions

What for?

In older browsers, methods such as imul, hypot, fround, etc, may not exist. There are polyfills in this library so that everything works even in the "IE".

All of polyfills were taken from the core-js or MDN

A few more additional methods have been added and more may be added.

tree-shaking is work.

ecma methods

All standard js methods like Math, but some contain polyfills:

import { round, random, abs, sign... } from 'math-safe';
// or
import * as MathSafeFull from 'math-safe'
// or
import * as MathSafe from 'math-safe/ecma' // like Math origin
// or
import random from 'math-safe/ecma/random'
// or
const random = require('math-safe').random
// or
const random = require('math-safe/ecma/random').default

extra methods

There are 4 methods in total:

import { randomExtra, ceilExtra, floorExtra, roundExtra } from 'math-safe';
// or
import randomExtra from 'math-safe/extra/random'

// random
// The method "Math.random" can return 0.
// This method "random" will never return 0
randomExtra() // => a float number between 0 and 1
randomExtra(5) // => a float number between 0 and 5
randomExtra(-5, 5) // => a float number between -5 and 5

// ceil, round and floor
ceilExtra(4.006) // => 5 (like Math.ceil)
ceilExtra(6.004, 2) // => 6.01
ceilExtra(6040, -2) // => 6100

floorExtra(4.006) // => 4 (like Math.floor)
floorExtra(0.046, 2) // => 0.04
floorExtra(4060, -2) // => 4000

roundExtra(4.006) // => 4 (like Math.round)
roundExtra(4.006, 2) // => 4.01
roundExtra(4060, -2) // => 4100

esnext methods

See proposal

There are 5 methods and 2 constants in total:

// Convert to degrees and to radians:
import { degrees, radians, DEG_PER_RAD, RAD_PER_DEG } from 'math-safe';
// or
import degrees from 'math-safe/esnext/degrees'

DEG_PER_RAD // Math.PI / 180
RAD_PER_DEG // 180 / Math.PI

degrees(1.5) // => 1.5 * RAD_PER_DEG
radians(180) // => 180 * DEG_PER_RAD

// Other:
import { clamp, scale, fscale} from 'math-safe';

// returns a "value" if it is between "min" and "max"
// otherwise it will return "min" or "max"
clamp(value, min, max)

adv. methods

There are 5:

import { mean, mul, div, sum, sub } from 'math-safe';
// or
import mean from 'math-safe/adv/mean'

// returns the average value of all arguments
mean(1, 2, 3, 4) // => 2.5

// returns the multiply of all arguments
mul(1, 2, 3, 4) // => 24

// returns the divide of all arguments
div(12, 3, 2) // => 12 / 3 / 2 = 2

// returns the sum of all arguments
sum(1, 2, 3, 4) // => 10

// returns the substract of all arguments
sub(5, 2, 1) // => 5 - 2 - 1 = 2



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