
1.2.0 • Public • Published


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.



import Vue from 'vue';
import vuetify from '@/plugins/vuetify';
import 'mb-components-vue/dist/mbComponents.css';
import '@/plugins/father.icon';



  import { CustomBadge } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import badgeImage from '../assets/imgs/icons/note.svg';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      itemsBadge: {
        imageBadge: badgeImage,
        badgeIcon: 'R',
        iconWidth: 18,
        color: 'primary',



  import { CustomChat } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import chatIcon from '../assets/imgs/chat-icon.svg';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      itemsChat: {
        dialogChat: true,
        chatName: 'Martin',
        chatStatus: 'Online',
        chatMessage: `
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

            Nulla enim leo, elementum vitae ultricies in,
            tincidunt id velit. Sed auctor purus vel faucibus dignissim.
            Curabitur sed molestie est, ut venenatis ex
        iconChat: chatIcon,
        loadingChat: false,
        primaryButton: 'Ir para o pedido',
        primaryTrigger: 'submit-chat',
        secundaryButton: 'Continuar editando',
        secundaryTrigger: 'close-chat',

  methods: {
    closeChat() {
      this.itemsChat.dialogChat = false;

    submitChat($event) {


      sortBy: 'user',
      sortDesc: false,

  import { CustomDataTables } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      headers: [
          text: 'Usuário',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'login',
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Rede',
          value: 'brands',
          sortable: false,
          text: 'Cargo',
          value: 'position',
          sortable: true,
          text: 'E-mail',
          value: 'email',
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Status',
          value: 'enabled',
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Ações',
          value: 'actions',
          sortable: false,
      items: [
          login: 'App Code',
          id: 1,
          brands: [
              description: 'Administrador',
              fields: [],
              homePage: '/mbbr/wop',
              icon: 'image',
              id: 2,
              readOnly: false,
          position: 'Gerente',
          email: 'teste@tes.com',
          enabled: false,
          actions: [
              type: 'iconType',
              itemsActions: [
                  icon: 'edit-icon',
                  trigger: 'edit-store',
                  color: '#C14444',
                  disabled: false,
          login: 'App Code',
          id: 2,
          brands: [
              description: 'Administrador',
              fields: [],
              homePage: '/mbbr/wop',
              icon: 'image',
              id: 2,
              readOnly: false,
          position: 'Gerente',
          email: 'teste@tes.com',
          enabled: false,
          actions: [
              type: 'menuType',
              itemsMenu: [
                  label: 'Ativar usuário',
                  id: 1,
                  icon: 'unlock-icon',
                  trigger: 'user-active',
                  color: 'primary',
                  label: 'Simular acesso',
                  id: 2,
                  icon: 'users-icon',
                  trigger: 'simulate-access',
                  color: 'primary',
                  label: 'Editar usuário',
                  id: 3,
                  icon: 'edit-icon',
                  trigger: 'edit-user',
                  color: 'primary',

      pagination: {
        itemsPerPage: 25,
        page: 1,
        totalPages: 100,

  methods: {
    userActive($event) {
      console.log($event, 'ativar usuario');
      /* eslint-disable */
      this.items = this.items.map((item) => {
        if (item.id === $event.id) {
          item.enabled = !item.enabled;          
          item.actions[0].itemsMenu[0].label = !item.enabled ? 'Ativar Usuário' : 'Desativar Usuário'
          item.actions[0].itemsMenu[0].icon =  !item.enabled ? 'unlock-icon' : 'lock-icon'

        return item;
      /* eslint-enable */

    simulateAcess($event) {
      console.log($event, 'simular acesso');

    userEdit($event) {
      console.log($event, 'editar usuario');

    editStore($event) {
      console.log($event, 'editar loja');



  import moment from 'moment';
  import { CustomDataTableLoop } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      all: [],
      headersTable: [
          sortable: false,
          value: 'titleItem',
          text: 'Congelados',
          sortable: false,
          value: 'updateItem',
          text: 'Atualizado em',
          date: moment(this.formatDate(new Date())).format('DD/MM'),
          symbol: '+',
          sortable: false,
          value: 'deliveryItem',
          text: 'Entrega até',
          date: moment(this.formatDate(new Date())).format('DD/MM'),
          symbol: '-',
          sortable: false,
          value: 'consumptionItem',
          text: 'Consumo até',
          date: moment(this.formatDate(new Date())).format('DD/MM'),
          symbol: '=',
          sortable: false,
          value: 'orderItem',
          text: 'Seu Pedido',
          sortable: false,
          value: 'limit',
          value: 'order',
          sortable: false,
      tableItems: [
          titleItem: {
            title: 'Bacon em tiras MB',
            character: '&#9679;',
            description: 'Master 02',
            unity: '100 UN',
            item: {
              id: 1,
              code: 10,
              descr: 'descr',
              useUnitDescr: 100,
              useUnitQty: 200,
              enabled: true,
          updateItem: {
            title: 'Estoque Atual',
            description: 1100,
          deliveryItem: {
            title: 'Recebimento',
            description: 2200,
          consumptionItem: {
            title: 'Necessidade',
            description: 8800,
          orderItem: {
            counter: 0,
            locale: {
              decimal: ',',
              thousands: '.',
              prefix: '',
              suffix: '',
              precision: 2,
            percentage: 200,
            disabled: false,
            haveLimit: {
              have: true,
              sortable: false,
              value: 999,
            id: 1,
            total: 3,
          limit: {
            title: 'Limite',
            value: 0,
          order: {
            title: 'Alerta',
            value: 0,
          originalItem: {},
      tableItems2: [
          titleItem: {
            title: 'Bacon em tiras MB',
            character: '&#9679;',
            description: 'Master 02',
            unity: '100 UN',
            item: {
              id: 2,
              code: 10,
              descr: 'descr',
              useUnitDescr: 100,
              useUnitQty: 200,
              enabled: true,
          updateItem: {
            title: 'Estoque Atual',
            description: 1100,
          deliveryItem: {
            title: 'Recebimento',
            description: 2200,
          consumptionItem: {
            title: 'Necessidade',
            description: 8800,
          orderItem: {
            counter: 0,
            locale: {
              decimal: ',',
              thousands: '.',
              prefix: '',
              suffix: '',
              precision: 2,
            percentage: 0,
            disabled: false,
            haveLimit: {
              have: true,
              sortable: false,
              value: 999,
            id: 2,
            total: 3,
          limit: {
            title: 'Limite',
            value: 0,
          order: {
            title: 'Alerta',
            value: 0,
          originalItem: {},
          titleItem: {
            title: 'Bacon em tiras MB',
            character: '&#9679;',
            description: 'Master 02',
            unity: '100 UN',
            item: {
              id: 3,
              code: 10,
              descr: 'descr',
              useUnitDescr: 100,
              useUnitQty: 200,
              enabled: true,
          updateItem: {
            title: 'Estoque Atual',
            description: 1100,
          deliveryItem: {
            title: 'Recebimento',
            description: 2200,
          consumptionItem: {
            title: 'Necessidade',
            description: 8800,
          orderItem: {
            counter: 0,
            locale: {
              decimal: ',',
              thousands: '.',
              prefix: '',
              suffix: '',
              precision: 2,
            percentage: 0,
            disabled: false,
            haveLimit: {
              have: true,
              sortable: false,
              value: 999,
            id: 3,
            total: 3,
          limit: {
            title: 'Limite',
            value: 0,
          order: {
            title: 'Alerta',
            value: 0,
          originalItem: {},
      pagination: {
        itemsPerPage: 25,
        page: 1,
        totalPages: 100,

  mounted() {
    this.all = [
        headers: this.headersTable,
        items: this.tableItems,
        headers: this.headersTable,
        items: this.tableItems2,

  methods: {
    formatDate(date) {
      return date.toString().replace(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '$1-$2-$3');

    onChangeInputValue($event) {
      console.log($event, 'InputValue');

    controlGet() {
      // console.log($event);

    selectItem($event) {
      console.log($event, 'selectItem');



      <p>Block Dates and Weekend</p>


  import moment from 'moment';
  import { CustomDatePicker } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      calendarPicker: {
        show: false,
        value: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
        formatSettings: {
          customClass: 'datepickerWop',
          firstDay: 1,
          weekOnly: false,
          nowDate: false,
          disabled: false,
          readonly: false,
          locale: 'en',
          formatDate: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
          mask: '####-##-##',

      calendarPicker1: {
        show: false,
        value: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
        formatSettings: {
          customClass: '',
          firstDay: 0,
          weekOnly: true,
          nowDate: true,
          disabled: false,
          readonly: false,
          locale: 'pt-BR',
          formatDate: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
          mask: '##/##/####',

      calendarPicker2: {
        show: false,
        value: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
        formatSettings: {
          customClass: '',
          firstDay: 0,
          weekOnly: false,
          nowDate: false,
          disabled: true,
          readonly: true,
          locale: 'pt-BR',
          formatDate: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
          mask: '##/##/####',

  methods: {
    frmat($event) {
        value: $event,
        calendarPicker: this.calendarPicker,

    onChangeDate($event) {


      type: 'clear',
      model: false,

  import { CustomFilter } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      customFilters: [
          type: 'und',
          value: false,
          label: 'Visualizar por unidade',
        }, {
          type: 'alert',
          value: false,
          label: 'Alertas',
        }, {
          type: 'limit',
          value: false,
          label: 'Limite',
        }, {
          type: 'stock',
          value: false,
          label: 'Ruptura de estoque',
        }, {
          type: 'planning',
          value: false,
          label: 'Variação do Planejamento',
      countFilters: 0,

  methods: {
    onSearch($event) {

    onSubmitFilters($event) {

    onSelectFilter($event) {

    onClearFilters($event) {



  import { CustomSelect } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      itemSelect: [
          label: 'Teste',
          active: false,
          id: 0,
          label: 'Teste1',
          active: false,
          id: 1,

  methods: {
    onSelectItem($event) {
      /* eslint-disable */
      this.itemSelect.map(item => {
        if (item.id === $event.id) {
          item.active = true;
        } else {
          item.active = false;
      /* eslint-enable */


  <div class="pa-16">
    <v-btn @click="dialog = !dialog">
      Open Dialog
      @close-dialog="dialog = !dialog"

  import { Dialog } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      dialog: true,
      dialogHeader: {
        headerBg: '#ffffff',
        dialogTitle: 'Dialog Title',
        closeIcon: 'mdi-close',
        iconColor: 'primary',
        titleColor: '#2E4055',


    style="background-color: white; max-height: 72px;"
    class="pl-15 mb-15"

  import { HeaderApp } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import badgeImage from '../assets/imgs/icons/note.svg';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  methods: {
    navigateRouter($event) {
      if ($event.icon === 'log-out') {
      } else {
        /* eslint-disable */
        if ($event.router !== this.$router.currentRoute.path) {
        /* eslint-enable */


    :LoaderText="'Estamos organizando <br> seus produtos, não vai demorar muito'"

  import { LoaderComponent } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import image from '../assets/imgs/imageLoader.png';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      imagemLoader: image,



  import { Navbar } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import navbarBrand from '../assets/imgs/logo-white.svg';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      navbarItems: [
          activeDrawer: true, title: 'CustomDataTables', icon: 'HomeIcon', router: '/custom-data-table', colorIcon: 'white',
          activeDrawer: false, title: 'CustomFilter', icon: 'shopping-bag-icon', router: '/custom-filter', colorIcon: 'white',
          activeDrawer: false, title: 'SkeletonLoader', icon: 'alert-triangle-icon', router: '/skeletonLoader', colorIcon: 'white',
          activeDrawer: false, title: 'CustomChat', icon: 'key-icon', router: '/customChat', colorIcon: 'white',
          activeDrawer: false, title: 'Sair', icon: 'log-out', router: '/', colorIcon: 'white',
      drawer: true,
      mini: false,
      logoNavbar: navbarBrand,

  methods: {
    navigateRouter($event) {
      if ($event.icon === 'log-out') {
      } else {
        /* eslint-disable */
        if ($event.router !== this.$router.currentRoute.path) {
        /* eslint-enable */


  <div class="pa-16">

    <div class="mt-6">

  import { SimpleDataTable } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      headers: [
          text: 'Código',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'code',
          type: null,
          key: 0,
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Produto',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'product',
          type: null,
          key: 1,
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Menor Unidade',
          align: 'center',
          value: 'und',
          type: null,
          key: 2,
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Status',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'actions',
          type: 'switch',
          key: 3,
          sortable: true,

      items: [
          code: {
            title: '0002',
          product: {
            title: 'Bacon em tiras MB',
          und: {
            title: 'UN',
          actions: [
              type: 'switch',
              value: false,
              trigger: 'switch-change',
          code: {
            title: '9049',
          product: {
            title: 'Bolo de cenoura',
          und: {
            title: 'PD',
          actions: [
              type: 'switch',
              value: false,
              trigger: 'switch-change',

      headersImportTable: [
          text: 'Código',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'code',
          type: null,
          key: 0,
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Produto',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'product',
          type: null,
          key: 1,
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Menor Unidade',
          align: 'center',
          value: 'und',
          type: null,
          key: 2,
          sortable: true,
          text: 'Quantidade',
          align: 'center',
          value: 'qtd',
          type: null,
          key: 3,
          sortable: true,

      itemsImportTable: [
          code: {
            title: '0002',
          product: {
            title: 'Bacon em tiras MB',
          und: {
            title: 'UN',
          qtd: {
            title: 20,
          code: {
            title: '9049',
          product: {
            title: 'Bolo de cenoura',
          und: {
            title: 'PD',
          qtd: {
            title: 20,

  methods: {
    switchChange($event) {



  import { SkeletonLoader } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      skeletonLoader: [
          loaders: 'list-item-avatar',
          columns: '5',
          loaders: 'table-heading, divider, list-item-two-line, image, table-tfoot',
          columns: '12',



  import { Tabs } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import tooltipIcon from '../assets/imgs/icons/infoIcon.svg';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      iconTooltip: tooltipIcon,
      items: [
          label: 'Geral',
          active: true,
          id: 0,
          component: 'Adjustments',
          label: 'Meus itens',
          active: false,
          id: 1,
          component: 'MyItems',

      tooltipTabs: `
        <h1>Meus Itens</h1>
        <div class='title-tooltip'>
        <p>Para que serve</p></div>
        <div class='wrapper-subtitles-card'>
          <div class='subtitles'>
            <p>Desativação/Ativação de itens do pedido.
              Usado geralmente para itens que não pertencem
              ao menu da sua loja</p>

  methods: {
    onSelectFilterTabs($event) {
      /* eslint-disable */
      this.items.map((item) => {
        if(item.id === $event.id) {
          item.active = true
        }else {
          item.active = false
      /* eslint-enable */



  import { Tooltip } from 'mb-components-vue';
  import tooltipIcon from '../assets/imgs/icons/infoIcon.svg';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      iconTooltip: tooltipIcon,
      tooltipText: `
        <h1>Como é feito o cálculo do seu pedido ?</h1>
        <div class='title-tooltip'>
        <div class='wrapper-img-tooltip'>
        <div class='explanation'><p>Estoque Atual + Recebimento - Necessidade = <span>Pedido</span></p></div>
        <div class='divider'></div>
        <h1>Legendas da Coluna Recebimento</h1>
        <div class='wrapper-subtitles'>
          <div class='subtitles'><div class='blue'></div><p>Quantidade Prevista para Entrega</p></div>
          <div class='subtitles'><div class='green'></div><p>Quantidade Prevista para Entregue</p></div>

  methods: {
    returnImg() {
      /* eslint-disable */
      return '<img src="' + require("../assets/imgs/icons/infoIcon.svg") + '">'
      /* eslint-enable */





          :haveLimit="{have: true, value: 2}"


      <v-col style="background: #ffffff">
        <p>Change Color</p>

        <p>Percentage and Editable</p>

        <p>Percentage and Have limit</p>
          :haveLimit="{have: true, value: 2}"

        <p>Percentage and Editable and Have limit</p>
          :haveLimit="{have: true, value: 2}"

        <p>Currency no Editable</p>


        <p>Percentage Decimal</p>
            id: 996,

        <p>Currency Decimal</p>
            id: 9969,

  import { ValueControl } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      counter: 0,

  methods: {
    changeInput($event) {

    onEmitItem($event) {


  <div style="max-width: 672px;">

  <div class="mt-10" style="max-width: 900px;">

  import { WopCustomDataTables } from 'mb-components-vue';

  export default {
    name: 'App',

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      itemsSettingsMgc: [
          doubleText: {
            title: 'Mostarda Sachet',
            subTitle: data.getTime(),
          id: 1,
          valueControl: {
            counter: 0,
            calendarPicker: {
              show: false,
              value: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
              formatSettings: {
                customClass: 'datepickerWop',
                firstDay: 0,
                weekOnly: true,
                nowDate: true,
                disabled: false,
                readonly: false,
                locale: 'pt-BR',
                formatDate: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
                mask: '##/##/####',
            style: 'background: #E9EDF0;',
          doubleText: {
            title: 'Mostarda Sachet',
            subTitle: data.getTime(),
          id: 2,
          valueControl: {
            counter: 0,
            calendarPicker: {
              show: false,
              value: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
              formatSettings: {
                customClass: 'datepickerWop',
                firstDay: 0,
                weekOnly: true,
                nowDate: true,
                disabled: false,
                readonly: false,
                locale: 'pt-BR',
                formatDate: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
            style: 'background: #E9EDF0;',
          doubleText: {
            title: 'Mostarda Sachet',
            subTitle: data.getTime(),
          id: 3,
          valueControl: {
            counter: 0,
            calendarPicker: {
              show: false,
              value: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
              formatSettings: {
                customClass: 'datepickerWop',
                firstDay: 0,
                weekOnly: true,
                nowDate: true,
                disabled: false,
                readonly: false,
                locale: 'pt-BR',
                formatDate: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
            style: 'background: #E9EDF0;',
      headerSettingsMgc: [
          text: 'Itens com mgc zerado',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'doubleText',
          type: 'date',
          sortable: false,
          key: 0,
          text: 'MGC',
          value: 'value-control',
          tooltipText: `
            <h1>Como configurar o MGC ?</h1>
            <div class='title-tooltip card-cycle'>
              <div class='wrapper-img-tooltip'>
            </div> <br>
            <div class='wrapper-subtitles-card'>
              <div class='subtitles'>
                <p>Ao editar a quantiade do MGC do item, será
                necessário informar uma data de expiração
                para este MGC manual.
          style: 'display: flex;align-items: center; justify-content: center; background: #C2CEDC;height: 100%;',
          tooltipIcon: 'infoIcon.svg',
          sortable: false,
          text: '',
          value: '',
          sortable: false,
          key: 1,

      headerSettingsMgc2: [
          text: 'Itens acima da média',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'doubleText',
          type: null,
          sortable: false,
          key: 0,
          text: '',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'order',
          type: null,
          sortable: false,
          key: 11,
          text: '',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'qty',
          type: null,
          sortable: false,
          key: 2,
          text: 'Seu pedido',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'value-control',
          tooltipText: `
            <h1>Como funciona a tabela Itens acima da Média ?</h1>
            <div class='title-tooltip card-cycle'>
              <div class='wrapper-img-tooltip'>
              <p>Visão geral</p>
            <div class='wrapper-subtitles-card'>
              <div class='subtitles'>
                <p>Listagem dos itens com quantidades acima do costume
                habitual da sua loja.
            <div class='wrapper-subtitles-card pb-2'  style="border-bottom: 1px solid #dde3ed">
              <div class='subtitles'>
                <p>Trouxemos a coluna <strong>QT. PADRÃO</strong> que apresenta a média
                relativa dos seus últimos pedidos a fim de facilitar essa
                visualização do que estamos informando.
            <div class='title-tooltip card-cycle'>
              <div class='wrapper-img-tooltip'>
              <p>O que fazer</p>
            <div class='wrapper-subtitles-card'>
              <div class='subtitles'>
                <p>Caso reconheça que esse aumento é necessário basta
                <strong>finalizar o seu pedido</strong>, senão revise as quantidades e sua
                necessidade. <strong>Você pode ajustar a quantidade</strong> nesta tela
                ou clicar no item que deseja e será direcionado para ele
                no pedido.
          tooltipIcon: 'infoIcon.svg',
          type: 'value-control',
          sortable: false,
          key: 3,
          style: 'display: flex;align-items: center; justify-content: center; background: #C2CEDC;height: 100%;',
          text: '',
          align: 'start',
          value: 'media',
          type: null,
          sortable: false,
          key: 4,

      itemsSettingsMgc2: [
          doubleText: {
            title: 'Cebola Picada',
            character: '&#9679;',
            subTitle: 'Master 5697',
            qtd: '02 KL',
          id: 1,
          valueControl: {
            counter: 0,
            percentage: 75,
            locale: {
              decimal: ',',
              thousands: '.',
              prefix: '',
              suffix: '',
              precision: 2,
            calendarPicker: {
              show: false,
              value: null,
            style: 'background: #E9EDF0; width: 100%; justify-content: center;',
          order: {
            title: 'Pedido WOP',
            value: '10',
          qty: {
            title: 'QT Padrão',
            value: '10',
          media: {
            title: 'Média',
            value: '100',

          doubleText: {
            title: 'Cebola Picada',
            character: '&#9679;',
            subTitle: 'Master 5697',
            qtd: '02 KL',
          id: 2,
          valueControl: {
            counter: 0,
            percentage: 75,
            locale: {
              decimal: ',',
              thousands: '.',
              prefix: '',
              suffix: '',
              precision: 2,
            calendarPicker: {
              show: false,
              value: null,
            style: 'background: #E9EDF0; width: 100%; justify-content: center;',
          order: {
            title: 'Pedido WOP',
            value: '10',
          qty: {
            title: 'QT Padrão',
            value: '10',
          media: {
            title: 'Média',
            value: '100',

          doubleText: {
            title: 'Cebola Picada',
            character: '&#9679;',
            subTitle: 'Master 5697',
            qtd: '02 KL',
          id: 3,
          valueControl: {
            counter: 0,
            percentage: 75,
            locale: {
              decimal: ',',
              thousands: '.',
              prefix: '',
              suffix: '',
              precision: 2,
            calendarPicker: {
              show: false,
              value: null,
            style: 'background: #E9EDF0; width: 100%; justify-content: center;',
          order: {
            title: 'Pedido WOP',
            value: '10',
          qty: {
            title: 'QT Padrão',
            value: '10',
          media: {
            title: 'Média',
            value: '100',

  methods: {
    onChangeInputValue($event) {
      /* eslint-disable */
      this.itemsSettingsMgc.map(item => {
        if(item.id === $event.item.id) {
          item.valueControl.counter =  $event.value;
          item.valueControl.calendarPicker.show = true;
      console.log(this.itemsSettingsMgc,' table');
      /* eslint-enable */

    onChangeDateValue($event) {
      /* eslint-disable */
      this.itemsSettingsMgc.map(item => {
        if(item.id === $event.item.id) {
          item.valueControl.calendarPicker.value = $event.value;
      console.log(this.itemsSettingsMgc,' table');

    onDateCreate($event) {

    onChangeDate($event) {




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