
2.0.3 • Public • Published

React Data Table

WARNING : as this is a school project, I will not maintain nor provide support for it

A simple react library for displaying data as an html table. Features pagination, filtering results and column sorting with realtive ease of style customization.



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Basic usage

Import the component:

import DataTable from "mb-react-data-table";

Define your data as an array of object :

const data = [
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    age: 32,
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    age: 26,

Configure your columns

the name attribute will be displayed as column header, the dataKey attribute will reference the attribute of the data object

const columns = [
    name: "First Name",
    dataKey: "firstName",
    name: "Last Name",
    dataKey: "lastName",
    name: "Age",
    dataKey: "age",

Use the component

import DataTable from "mb-react-data-table";

const App = () => {
  const data = [
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Doe",
      age: 32,
      firstName: "Jane",
      lastName: "Doe",
      age: 26,

  const columns = [
      name: "First Name",
      dataKey: "firstName",
      name: "Last Name",
      dataKey: "lastName",
      name: "Age",
      dataKey: "age",

  return <DataTable columns={columns}>{data}</DataTable>;


More usages

Custom sort function

By default the sorting is done lexicographically. If you need another sorting mechanism, you can provide a custom sort function in the header configuration.

For example in the above case, to sort on the age attribute :

const columns = [
    name: "First Name",
    dataKey: "firstName",
    name: "Last Name",
    dataKey: "lastName",
    name: "Age",
    dataKey: "age",
    sortFn: (a, b) => a - b,

The sortFn will receive the values of the age attributes and must return a number, just like the Array.prototype.sort compareFn parameter.

You only need to specify a sortFn that sorts in ascending order. The descending order is handled by the library by taking the opposite of your sortFn returned value.

Objects in data and formating

Sometimes your data will contain some non-primitive values, like Date objects

const data = [
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    dateOfBirth: new Date("1991-03-12"),
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    dateOfBirth: new Date("1989-05-23"),

By default the library will format the value using the .toString() method. If you need another formating logic, you can provide a formater function in the columns configuration :

const columns = [
    name: "First Name",
    dataKey: "firstName",
    name: "Last Name",
    dataKey: "lastName",
    name: "Date of Birth",
    dataKey: "dateOfBirth",
    formater: date => date.toLocaleDateString(),

Row key

Since the component renders a list of rows, react needs a unique key attribute to be set on each row.

If your data contains an id attribute, for example:

const data = [
    id: "394d6c90-2763-49e6-b270-a4f41659e2b2",
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    age: 32,
    id: "4ffa6b7f-1df3-448d-8eb9-a22a5a69ca89",
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    age: 26,

it will automatically be used as the key for each row.

You can also customize the generated key by passing a function in the prop rowKeyProducer. This function will receive the data object and must returns a string. For example :

import DataTable from "mb-react-data-table";

const App = () => {
  const data = [
      firstName: "John",
      lastName: "Doe",
      age: 32,
      firstName: "Jane",
      lastName: "Doe",
      age: 26,

  const columns = [
      name: "First Name",
      dataKey: "firstName",
      name: "Last Name",
      dataKey: "lastName",
      name: "Age",
      dataKey: "age",

  return (
      rowKeyProducer={data => `${data.firstName}-${data.lastName}-${data.age}`}

The returned value will be used as the key for the row, so it must be unique among rows, otherwise react will throw the warning about non-unique keys


Simple color styling

In case you need to change the colors of

  • the border color of the table
  • the border color of the rows
  • the backgound color of even rows
  • the background color of odd rows

You can override some css custom properties used by the component.

Create a class and set the custom properties you want to override:

.table {
  --table-border-color: red;
  --row-border-color: lightgreen;
  --row-even-bg-color: aliceBlue;
  --row-odd-bg-color: lightyellow;

Apply this class to the component :

<DataTable columns={columns} className="table">

Results :

you may need to increase your css rule specificity to properly override the defaults

More controls over styling

If you need to apply more styles, you can pass classNames to the component :

  className="className" // will be applied to the main component
  tableClassName="tableClassName" // will be applied to the table element
  headerClassName="headerClassName" // will be applied to the tr element that contains the th elements
  rowClassName="rowClassName" // will be applied to all the tr elements that contains the td elements
  cellClassName="cellClassName" // will be applied to all the td elements

Additional components

This library provide four additional components alongside the main table components. These are the search box, the number of displayed rows selection, the column headers, and the pagination.

Optional render props are available on the table component for each of these in case you need full control over them. They are also exported as named export, in case you just need some small tweaks to the defaults. Let's take the number of displayed rows as an example to see how it works.

Reusing the default

Let's say you want the user to be able to choose between a list of 10 or 15 or 20, instead of the default 10 or 25 or 50 or 100.

First, import the components:

import DataTable, { EntriesNumberSelection } from "mb-react-data-table";

Declare your data and your columns configuration as always (we will skip this part here), and pass the render prop to the DataTable component as such:

  renderEntriesNumberSelection={props => (
    <EntriesNumberSelection {...props} availableNumbers={[10, 15, 20]} />

It works the same for the other components. The logic is you can have full control over these additional parts with the render props if you need to, but you can also reuse the exported components for convenience, especially if you only need some custom styles.

Custom styling

The exported components can receive some classNames to have full control over the styles, but just like the main table components you will be able to override some css custom properties in case you just need some color customization. This documentation will provide additional details on that in the section dedicated to each components.

Components documentation


The main componenet of this library. Will render your data as an html table.

props required type description
columns yes {
    name: string,
    dataKey: string,
    sortFn?: (a, b) => number,
    formater?: value => string,
This is where you provide the columns configuration.
A column configuration is an object witha "name" property (required, that will be displayed in the table header), a "dataKey" property (required, it must match one of the property of the data passed in the children prop).
Optionally you can define a sort function and a formater function
children yes array of object This is where you pass your data. Each object of this array will be a row in the table. The values of these objects will be cells in the table, and are placed in the columns where their key matches the "dataKey" of the columns configuration.
rowKeyProducer no (dataObject) => string Optional. Used to generate (react) keys for a row. Will receive the data object, and will be called for each rows.
It defaults to a function that tries to read an "id" attribute (if it exists) on the data object
initialEntriesNumber no number Optional. Used to set the number of entries shown initially. Defaults to 10
className no string Adds a css class to this component
tableClassName no string Adds a css class to the table element
headerClassName no string Adds a css class to the table header row (the tr element containing the th elements)
rowClassName no string Adds a css class to the table body rows (all the tr elements containing the td elements)
cellClassName no string Adds a css class to all table body cells (all the td elements)
renderEntriesNumberSelection no ({
    selectedNumber: number,
     setSelectedNumber: (number) => void,
}) => React.node
Optional. Render prop. Controls the selection of the number of entries displayed.
Receive the currently selected number of entries, and a function to set it to a new value.
renderSearchEntries no ({
    search: string,
    setSearch: (string) => void,
}) => React.node
Optional. Render Prop. Controls the search box for filtering the results.
Receive the currently searched text, and a function to set it to a new value.
renderPagination no ({
    currentPage: number,
    pageTotal: number,
        (page: number) => void,
        (amount: number) => void,
)} => React.node
Optional. Render Prop. Controls the pagination.
Receive the current page (starting at 1, so the first page is page 1), the total of pages, a function to set the current directly, and a function to increment the page by an amount (can be negative)
renderColumnHeader no ({
    name: string,
    onClick: () => void,
    sortStatus: SortStatus,
    key: string
}) => React.node
Optional. Render props. Controls each table header cells.
Will receive the name of the column, an onClick callback that will switch the sort status when called, the current sort status and the current dataKey


The default component used to select the number of entries (rows) displayed.

props required type description
selectedNumber yes number The currently selected number.
setEntriesNumber yes (number) => void A function to set the number of displayed entries to a new value
availableNumbers no number[] The numbers available for the user to choose from.
Defaults to [10, 25, 50, 100]
className no string Add a css class to the component


The default component used to paginate the results.

props required type description
currentPage yes number The currently selected page. It starts at 1, (so the first page is 1)
pageTotal yes number The number of pages
setCurrentPage no (number) => void A function to set the current page to a new value
incrementPage no (amount: number) => void A function to increase or decrease the current page by "amount"
className no string Adds a css class to the component
paginationButtonClassName no string Adds a css class to all the pagination button elements
activeClassName no string Adds a css class to the pagination button that matches the current page

These css variables are applied to the component level, and can be overridden :

--pagination-button-bg-color: transparent; /* controls the background color of the pagination buttons */
--pagination-button-disabled-bg-color: transparent; /* controls the background color of the disabled pagination buttons */
--pagination-button-hover-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* controls the background color of the pagination buttons when hovered */
--pagination-button-active-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); /* controls the background color of the pagination button that matches the current page */

Search Entries

The default component used to filter the results

props required type description
search no string The currently searched value
setSearch no (string) => void A function to set the current search to a new value
className no string Adds a css class to the component
inputClassName no string Adds a css class to the input element

Column header

The default component used to render the table header cells.

props required type description
name yes string The displayed column name
sortStatus no SortStatus The current sort status of this column. If you need to set or read this, use the provided SortStatus object (it acts as an enum).
onClick no fn Called back when the component is clicked
className no string Adds a css class to the component
contentClassName no string Adds a css class to the button wrapping the name of the column
activeClassName no string Adds a css class to the caret matching the sort status of the column

These css variables are applied to the component level, and can be overridden :

--caret-color: rgb(201, 201, 201); /* controls the color of the carets */
--caret-active-color: inherit; /* controls the color of the caret matching the sort status */




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  • mathieu-bouvet