
0.6.1 • Public • Published


CLI tool to manage mbx-gulp on a custom Ionic v1 project.

It is now compatible to both Git and CVS checked out projects.

ICYMI, "mbx-gulp" is a custom Ionic v1 dot files and gulpfile to improve the developer experience.


cd clonedProject/app/


cd WORKSPACE_2022-01/app/


npx mbx-cli build

The build command does the ff under the hood:

  1. Automatically updates sdk.dir value to machine's ANDROID_HOME on local.properties
  2. Executes ant
  3. Removes org.crosswalk.engine
  4. Clones mbx-gulp and updates its dependencies (including gulp-cli)
  5. Installs recommended VS Code extension pack

Command definitions

Command Description
build Runs the ant -f... command with the mbx-gulp
update Updates the existing mbx-gulp to your app project
install Installs the mbx-gulp to your app project
ant Updates local.properties and does ant -f... command without the mbx-gulp

Recommended setup on project checkout with Git

  1. Clone your project from remote
  2. Open the terminal and cd to the local copy of your app project; e.g. cd clonedProject/app/
  3. Run npx mbx-cli build
  4. Open the platforms/android on Android Studio
  5. Run the project

Recommended setup on app project checkout with CVS

NOTE: These instructions are exclusively for app projects checked out with CVS.

  1. Create a new workspace on Eclipse IDE; e.g. WORKSPACE_2022-01.
  2. Checkout app project
  3. Open the terminal do cd WORKSPACE_2022-01/app/
  4. Run npx mbx-cli build
  5. Import platforms from Eclipse IDE (excluding crosswalk)
  6. Add EMDK SDK as external lib
  7. Run the app project Activity on Eclipse IDE (to make sure the app works)
  8. Finally, initialize git to keep track on the changes. Open the app project on VS Code; click on the Source Control icon on the sidebar; click "Initialize Repository"

Updating the mbx-gulp

To update the mbx-gulp on your app project:

NOTE: Stop any currently running processes such as gulp watch and save (stash/ commit) your work first before running any npx mbx-cli commands.

cd clonedProject/app/
npx mbx-cli update

Head on to mbx-gulp documentation for the recommended workflow after project checkout.


Designed and developed by Noel Earvin Piamonte




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npm i mbx-cli

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  • earvinpiamonte